Ziva: You know I keep thinking if it was not for Orly, things would have been different. I would be a different person.
Tony: Then I should I catch her before she leaves. You know. I'd thank her.

Tony: Ziva. Are you thinking of ways to rough up the new Mossad director?
Ziva: Orly is an opportunist. She's even not worthy of roughing up.
Tony: I'd still pay to see it.

Tony: Maybe you and I can find a court, play a little one-on-one?
Ziva: You can ask Adam out on a date later.

Ziva: When I have a man, the favors I offer have little to do with clothes.
Tony: That's good to know.

Ziva: It's not about a choice it's about survival. She will not stop until she gets her closure.
Tony: We still talking about the lieutenant?
Ziva: Please do not go there. I'm fine.

Ziva : I would like your permission to travel to Europe to find Bodnar. I have been trying to locate him with the help of McGee and various contacts.
Gibbs: I know.
Ziva: You have known all this time? Then why did...
Gibbs: You needed to be ready to tell me. He's in Rome.
Ziva: That's what I thought too.
Gibbs: What are you waiting for? Take DiNozzo. Go.

Gibbs: Where's McGee?
Tony: Overslept.
Ziva: doctor's visit.
Gibbs: Uh huh.

Ziva: Anything new on the nanny front?
McGee: Not that I've heard. Vance's search enters its second week.
Tony: Which left his agents feeling like a gaggle of nuns waiting on white smoke from the Vatican chimney.

Abby: This is nice, Ziva. It's been too long since we got to hang out.
Ziva: Yeah. I know. I'm sorry, I've just been, uh, busy lately.
Abby: Yes you have. Doing what?
Ziva: You know. Just....stuff.

Ziva: Looks like a symbol. But of what?
Abby: That could be all night finding that answer. You in?
Ziva: I'm sorry. Busy.
Abby: Right. "Stuff". I'll draft McGee.

Vance: As long as we share this bond, David, promise me: when I come to offer my perspective concerning what it is you're "catching up" on, you'll be as forthcoming as I'm about to be?
Ziva: I promise I'll try.

Vance: I worry that the act of hiring a nanny means that I'm moving on. And if I'm moving on, I worry that Jackie's death will....it'll feel like...
Ziva: It's a bit more final?
Vance: [nods]
Ziva: Well then I suggest you take your time, Director. Hire a nanny or do not hire one. But do not let anyone tell you when you're ready or should be ready to move on. That is entirely up to you.
Vance: You may be on to something.
Ziva: I have some experience.
Vance: Yeah? Where were you a week and a half ago?

NCIS Quotes

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

I do love a man in a bow tie.
