(Discussing the retirement home 'fight club')
Dell: I don't believe this.
Dell's grandfather: We didn't mean for anyone to get hurt.
Dell: Yeah, then why did you hit each other?
Dell's grandfather: We had to do something. The days there... you can't tell one from another. Me... Nate... we were all going crazy.
Dell: You know, that part's obvious.

(About Naomi)
Dell: Every time she walks away from you, she's miserable! And I care about how she feels, okay? I care.
Sam: Dell...
Dell: I know what you think, but this isn't just a crush. Okay? Maybe after so many years you just don't see it. You know how many women think like that, and, and look like that, and laugh like that, and care? One. So far I've met one. And yeah, she's... she's out of my league in every possible way, but I don't care. She... dazzles me. And I'm not stupid enough to hope that one day I'll meet someone like her when the time is right, because I won't. I love her. Okay? And I guarantee you, I wouldn't make her cry.
Sam: Okay, uh, Dell, I know that you're under a lot of stress right now, so I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say those things about my wife.
Dell: (pointedly) Ex-wife.

(Dell walks into Naomi's office at the end of the day)
Naomi: Oh, hi, Dell. What is...
(Dell grabs her coat)
Naomi: Oh, thank you.
(He helps her into it, then pushes her against the window, kissing her passionately. He stops. Naomi looks stunned)
Dell: I... I don't have it all together, okay? But I'm not a kid. I'm a man. Who loves you. Who's going to fight for you.

Dell: I can't believe it. You, pregnant.
Violet: I don't want anyone to know.
Dell: What about the father? Does he know?
Violet: It's complicated.
Dell: Well you don't owe me any explanations.
Violet: It could be Pete or it could be Sheldon.
Dell: Keeping it local. That's cool.

Violet: Looks like you're good at your job.
Dell: Well, I'm not a doctor but, yes, I know a thing or two about pregnant women.
Violet: Stomach cramps?
Dell: Aren't about the baby.
Violet: What are you talking about? I've an alien pea growing inside of me.

Grown-ups are supposed to know what to do, but when we get scared sometimes, we don't.

I'm not the one that blew up the house.

Dell: I am 25-year-old single father. How am I going to deal with all this?
Cooper: You just love her.

[about Sam] "He's fighting for her."

Addison: We... were just talking about a case...
Pete: I was... She needed a consult on the...
Dell: [points to his head] Locked. In the, uh, Dell vault. All right? Patients are here.
Addison: We're in the Dell vault.
Pete: Locked in the Dell vault.

Addison: It is raining.
Sam: You're wet.
Addison: Because it is raining. It rains in Seattle, which is where I left my umbrella. It does not rain in Los Angeles.
Dell: It rains in L.A. It's raining right now.
Addison: Really? Right now?

Naomi: Is that a chocolate cake?
Dell: Yeah, I made it. But you can have some if you want.
Naomi: Addison, you want some chocolate cake?
Addison: Can I talk to you?
Naomi: Thanks.

Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches