Naomi: Who knew that meaningless sex could be amazing?
Violet: You had meaningless sex? Congratulations.

Violet: You're opening a practice here? What about Cooper?
Charlotte: This has nothing to do with him.
Violet: He's your boyfriend.
Charlotte: This is business and Cooper is personal.
Violet: It's not that simple.
Charlotte: Maybe not for you but I am not a therapist. I don't have to talk about my feelings until everyone else's ears bleed.

Charlotte: I miss the good old days. When life and death was decided by God instead of doctors.
Violet: Well, we'll be out of jobs.

Cooper: She's crazy cakes!
Violet: That's your diagnosis?
Cooper: Crazy cakes!

Sheldon: Where's Lucas?
Violet: I gave Lucas to Pete.
Sheldon: Gave to Pete to watch? Gave to Pete to babysit?
Violet: To live.

Violet: You asked me what kind of man I am? I think you're a man that married the wrong person.
Pete: Maybe SHE married the wrong person. Maybe I'm not cut out for all this.
Violet: You're a good man. And in time you'll find someone. You'll love someone.
Pete: I hope so.

Pete: Just a hint. You don't have to tell us the...
Violet: He calls himself Trunk.
Cooper: Okay... well, when I think "trunk" in relation to a guy, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Elephants' trunks, very large... oh! Is he... freakishly large? Is he hideously...
Violet: I can't tell you!
Cooper: Trunk!

Violet: I like your breasts.
Addison: You have a good ass.
Violet: Thank you! I like it.
Naomi: Hey hey hey! The point is, we should not be having sex in the office.
Violet :Who is having sex in the office?
Naomi: No one. No one! That's the point! It gets complicated, you just... you don't know where you stand.

Addison: ...I was humiliated.
Violet: Were you completely naked? Did you stand in front of him like a pealed banana while he looked over your best parts? Because I have good parts and Cooper passed on them. I have good parts!

Violet: A trunk is a place where you might put all sorts of things, things you might have... taken or borrowed from another person... In an anatomical sense.
Addison: Oh God!!! Where is my shoe?

Violet: Rip off the bandaid, Coop. I did.
Cooper: Yeah... can't.
Violet: You... you have to... you've already seen me naked.
Cooper: I know, and you're... beautiful. I'm sorry. I... thought I could but...
Violet: You can't reject me, you have low standards... you have no standards!
Cooper: It's different, Violet.
Violet: No, it's not different! I... I am offering you uncomplicated, unemotional sex.
Cooper: No! You're... you're not some random girl from the Internet, with you it doesn't mean nothing... it never will...

Cooper: Oh, you're... wow, you're naked.
Violet: Yeah, it makes the sex easier.
Cooper: It's just, ah, I've never seen you naked. In the office you always have your clothes on.
Violet: Well, yeah, I try to be a professional.

Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches