Betsey: Where am I going to live?
Naomi: You're coming home with me
Violet: She is?
Betsey: For how long?
Naomi: How about forever?
Betsey: Really?
Naomi: Really.

How many chances do we get at love, right?

Violet: Are you two dating?
Sheldon: Well, you know labels can be so confining.
Marla: We're dating.

You didn't bring me here for moral support, did you? You wanted a witness to go tell Cooper that you had tried because if he would have been here he would have seen how you reacted and he would have known, too.

We did a bad thing. You all know it. We did a bad thing.

I hope you that you will get to go to a home. A home with a mom and dad who have always wanted a little girl. A mom and dad of your very own who will love you so much because they're gonna see how special you are.

You want to fight dirty? Let's fight dirty.

Charlotte: Hello.
Violet: He's not back yet.
Charlotte: Do you expect him back soon?
Violet: He's getting me soup.
Charlotte: Soup's good.
Violet: I despise soup. But it helps when you're queasy. Which I am. Sit down if you want to.
Charlotte: You're queasy.
Violet: The word queasy makes me feel ... queasy.

Addison: Where's Katie?
Violet: She's still in the birthing suite. She needs some space. I'm afraid I'm not going to get through. She's in there staring at my belly. I represent everything she wants. She hates me for it.
Pete: She doesn't hate you. She just wants something she can't have. And that's hard.

Charlotte: You really think Uncle Coop would do any better?
Violet: You know Cooper's mother told me that when he was a kid he had this doll and he carried it around all the time and he named her Ernesta.

(Jill is testifying in court.)
Violet: Now why are you here, Jill?
Jill: That man robbed me. He didn't just steal my car and my money. He stole my sense of security. He stole my ability to sleep at night. He stole my sense of self-control. So I came here today to get them back.

Cooper: Violet, you can't do a CVS paternity test for a few weeks. The point is mute.
Violet: Moot. The point is moot.

Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches