Victor: There was a time you'd have thanked me for such a thing.
Madison: Enough people have died because of me. I can't put the rest of you at risk.
Victor: The rest is not that many, Madison.
Madison: What are you talking about?
Victor: It's just me and our newly found friends of Alicia here. The rest retreated to the island to escape the herd. All of you should do the same.

Victor: I can't let you do this alone.
Madison: I'm in a tank loaded with ammo and guns. I don't need anybody else.
Victor: Madison, please. It's like I told you before, Victor... Unlike you, I don't have anyone left to disappoint. I need to do this so you don't have to. Then you can build PADRE into what Alicia would have wanted.
Victor: This won't end well, Madison. You think it'll just be this one thing. But then you'll realize you can't stop. I learned it the hard way. At the Tower. There was just always one more thing that I needed to do to keep it safe, and before I knew it, I was the thing people needed to be protected from. Please, Madison. There's another way.

Why'd you bring that girl here?
Victor: Because I knew Troy wouldn't dream of attacking the island if he knew we had his daughter as leverage.
June: Or it's the perfect reason to attack. He doesn't know that we're here. Now you have his kid, he'll find it.
Strand: How? It's not like she's been tagged for migratory purposes.
June: Maybe you'd know how badly a parent would fight for their kid if you were doing more than playing father to Klaus.
Strand: After all these years, you still don't know me.
June: Oh, I do, Victor. I stood by that Tower and I watched you make bad decision after bad decision. People lost their lives because of what you did. John's father lost his life because of what you did. I'm not making that same mistake again.
Strand: June, many people lost their lives because of you, as I remember, when we first met.

June: If you want us to believe you've changed, Victor, show us. Help us fix this. How? The girl's already here. We'll bring her back to her father.
Strand: You think that will satisfy Troy?
June: It might if we give him the man who kidnapped her.

Troy, if you're listening, we have your daughter. I repeat, we have your daughter. She's safe. We're willing to return her to you if we can agree to terms.


Luciana: This may be hard to hear, but we gave her the same thing that everyone else wants... a second chance.
Madison: Even Alicia?
Luciana: Alicia was the first one to forgive.
Madison: I don't think I can do that.
Strand: No one's asking you to.
Charlie: Victor... can I talk to Madison?
Strand: I don't think this is a good time.
Madison: No. Let her. I want to hear what she has to say.
Charlie: I don't blame you for feeling the way you do. I hated myself for a long time after what I did to Nick. And I don't expect you to forgive me or anything, but I just... I really need to say this because I honestly don't know if I'm ever gonna see you again, so...
Madison: No, this is not... this is not for me. This is for you, so that you can feel better about what you did to Nick.
Charlie: I was 11. I was 11 years old, and I was scared, and I was being used by people who were older than me, and I just... Look. I really am sorry that I took Nick from you. I'm so sorry I... I took him from the world. I really have tried to turn all that hurt and all the pain and... and turn it into something more. That's why I spend every single day doing what I'm doing. It's... It's what makes things like this possible. As bad as his death was, something good did come out of it, okay? And if... if there's anything I can do to help you see that good, just tell me. I'll do it.

Strand: I told you this wasn't a good time.
Madison: No. There is something she can do. You snuck into the stadium, you fooled me, you fooled my son, you fooled Alicia, Victor, everyone. I need you to do the same with Troy Otto.
Charlie: You want me to find out what he's planning?
Madison: Nope. I want you to do something else. I want you to kill him. Luciana: Madison, don't do this to her.
Madison: You took the stadium from me. You took my son from me. This is the least you can do.
Charlie: Madison? You're right. I'll do it.

Charlie: Why are you cutting their arms off?
Troy: Well, you gotta pass the time somehow.
Charlie: You want Madison to think they're Alicia. Why did you kill her?
Troy: I'm the one asking the questions. And seeing as it sounds like I'm not the only person to have killed a Clark, I gotta know... Is what Madison said true? Did you kill Nick? He was a friend of mine. More like a brother, actually. Yeah, we were better suited to this world than the last one. At least that's what I thought until I heard what happened. So why is Madison trying to protect you?
Charlie: She's giving me a second chance.

Why are you lying about who you are, Victor?


Madison: Why are you here? You here to throw me to the wolves again?
Strand: I made a promise to my son.

Fear the Walking Dead Quotes

Nick: There was blood all over her mouth, and then she came at me.
Travis: What did she do?
Nick: She was eating them. She was eating them.

If there’s a problem, we’re gonna know about it. The authorities would tell us.
