Tyler: To Alaric Saltzman, who after today will have sex with only one woman for the rest of his life.
Matt: Seriously, just one. You can't even look after this.

I'm not gonna calm down. I would've done anything for you. And you chose death over me.

Tyler: I brought you to Mystic Falls to keep you safe from your crazy ass witch family. You can't just leave because Damon wants you to do some spell.
Liv: So what I'm a prisoner here? Do I look like Rapunzel?
Tyler: Well...actually.

Magic doesn't work in Mystic Falls. So if your coven wants to find you they'll have to do it the old fashioned way. They'll have to go through me.

Liv: I killed someone so that you wouldn't trigger your werewolf curse and you think that being my bar back is enough to repay me?
Tyler: Honestly, I'd rather have to chain myself up on a cellar each month so I don't have to wear this lame ass tie.

So, how do we kill the bitch?

You slept with the guy who killed my mom. What's a fair amount of time for me to get past that?

Young hybrid beats old vampire every time.

Caroline: Good coffee. But I usually take mine with a little more awkward silence.
Tyler: Nice try. You don't take anything with silence.

I walked out last time. Now it's your turn.

You're the hottest serial killer in here.

Tyler: This isn't goodbye. This is: until we find way. We're immortal, remember?

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
