Tracy: Mom. She pulled loose. We need to tighten the ropes.
Troy: Oh, she's fine. She's not gonna hurt us. You know, when we get to PADRE, she's gonna be the one to make Madison pay for everything she's done. What's wrong?
Tracy: Why does Mom have to kill Madison?
Troy: Well, you know why. She's Alicia's mother. She put the thinking in her head that got people killed. We can't let what happened to Mom happen to anyone else.
Tracy: I know all that.
Troy: So, what's wrong?
Tracy: This.
Troy: Your necklace?
Tracy: Victor said it belonged to Alicia. She... She killed Mom. Why would you want me to wear her necklace?
Troy: Do you know how many St. Christopher's medallions there are?
Tracy: But Victor said...
Troy: Well, Victor's mistaken. She gave it to me when she died. And she made me promise that I would give it to you to keep you safe. Which is what I've been doing ever since.

Daniel: Madison! What did you do?
Madison: I'm done with second chances. Troy was right. That's what got Alicia killed. That's why I had to do this. If I didn't, I'd be putting you all at risk. This is how we survive. This is how PADRE survives.
Troy: You have to fight f-for Tracy like you fought for Nick and Alicia.
Madison: Why would I do anything you say?
Troy: 'Cause she's not my daughter.
Madison: No. You said your wife was pregnant when Alicia helped you.
Troy: She was. But she died before the baby could be born.
Madison: No! If Serena's not Tracy's mother, who is?
Troy: Alicia. I-I took her child to make up for what I lost.

Troy: Hi, Madison.
Madison: Troy.
Troy: It's been a minute.

Fear the Walking Dead Quotes

Nick: There was blood all over her mouth, and then she came at me.
Travis: What did she do?
Nick: She was eating them. She was eating them.

If there’s a problem, we’re gonna know about it. The authorities would tell us.
