Troy McClure: Hello! I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such films as The Boatjacking of Supership 79 and Hydro: the Man With the Hydraulic Arms.

Brad Goodman: Troy. This circle is you.
Troy McClure: My god! It's like you've known me all your life!

Troy McClure: And now I'd like to introduce the man who will put the "you" in "impr-you-vement"--Brad Goodman!
Brad Goodman: Thank you so much, Troy. And by the way, I'm not happy you're still drinking. But at least you're down to one from more than fifty.

You may remember me from such self-help videos as "Smoke Yourself Thin" and "Get Confident, Stupid."

Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me from such telethons as "Out with Gout '88" and "Let's Save Tony Orlando's House."

McClure: Are you sure it's on!? I can't hear a thing! (as the Juice Loosener clatters loudly)
Dr. Nick: It's whisper quiet!

McClure: Here's an appealing fellow. In fact, they're a-peeling him off the sidewalk.
Homer: Hehehe, It's funny cause I don't know him.

Come to Duff Gardens, where roaming gangs aren't a big problem anymore!

If you ask me they're all winners. We'll be cutting our first 40 contestants right after this.

Troy McClure: That night came the Honeymoon....
Kids: Eeeeeew!
Edna: She's faking it!

Hello, I'm actor Troy McClure. You kids might remember me from such educational films as Lead Paint, Delicious But Deadly and Here Comes the Metric System. I'm here to provide the facts about sex in a frank and straightforward manner. And now, here's Fuzzy Bunny's Guide To You-Know-What.

I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me from such movies as "Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die" and "Gladys the Groovy Mule." But today you'll see me in my greatest role - your video tour guide to Rancho Relaxo!