Thea: You realize you just accused the police department of being corrupt, at the police department gala?
Oliver: I answered a question.
Thea: And you just put blame on the police department instead of taking responsibility for the city’s crimes.
Oliver: You know I’m taking responsibility.
Thea: Yes – the other guy, but as the mayor, it looks like you’re sleepwalking. Okay?

Go to sleep. Tell SCPD I left a present for them.


Predictability is your flaw too. Every time my life starts to suck, you show up.

Malcolm: The Pit contains traces of the souls of all the men and women who have bathed in its waters. What those waters can restore, they can also take. Life for life.
Thea: What are you saying?
Malcolm: That you need to feed this impulse, give in to it. If you do, it will subside for a time. Once you do, it will subside for a time.

Thea: Jason, I have a '67 Mustang that need a little work on it. Someone said you were the guy to see.
Roy: You came to the right place.

Diggle: There's only one thing left of him now.
Laurel: And what's that?
Diggle: Us.
Thea: Gone but not forgotten.

Thea: I think the whole city has lost their mind.
Oliver: It's not the whole city, it's one man.

I will work with you to stop Ra's because that's what my brother says we need to do. So I will be your student. I'll be your partner, even I have to, I will be your soldier. But never again will I be your daughter.

Thea: How could you make me kill a friend?
Malcolm: He should not have told you that.
Thea: I trusted you. I let you into my life. How could you have done this to me?
Malcolm: Because you are my daughter, Thea, and I care about you.

Oliver: You're not a killer!
Thea: Tell that to Sara.
Oliver: What happened to Sara is not on you! What happens to him, is. All this is what Malcom wanted. He freed Slade to prove that we're killers because he wants you to be just like him. You've got to prove to him that you're not.

Thea: What the hell was that?
Oliver: That was a booby trap.
Thea: What kind of psycho would put that thing there?
Oliver: Me.

Thea: You know, I've been wondering. How do you decide between the red hoodie and the one with the mask?
Roy: [chuckles] I'm glad you know.
Thea: I felt pretty lame not recognizing my own brother just because he's wearing a hood.