Trust never was the golden rule for the kids in this clubhouse.

Zod: How did you get here?
Tess: I flew.
Zod: Icarus flew to where he didn't belong. And he fell to his death from the heavens.
Tess: Icarus was on an ego trip. But I have a higher calling.

Chloe: I should have known that Clark took a walk down the ruby-red road. That's explains his lack of edit button.
Tess: I thought Clark was only affected by green meteor. What's the red do?
Chloe: Basically it turns him to the bad boy every girl dreams of... in her nightmares.

Oliver: The only way you'd get me back in here is by force.
Tess: Don't flatter yourself. The best thing I ever did in this bed was kick you out of it.
Oliver: Well, look, something out of your mouth I can believe.

Oliver: Who knows how many deals were sealed right here?
Tess: You buried an arrow into my chest, Oliver.
Oliver: Actually... it was a taser.
Tess: Well, it bruised.
Oliver: Better bruised than dead.

In every relationship, one person stands while the other one kneels.

Zod: And if you were wrong... your experiment would have killed me.
Tess: Some risks are worth taking.

Tess: I had no idea that your powers disappeared.
Clark: Don't worry, Tess. I'll save your world. Just not with you in it.

Tess: You're digging your own grave.
Zod: Then you'd better make sure there's room in there for both of us.

Tess: Fix the situation, Stuart. Or I'll have you terminated.
Stuart: Okay, By terminated, though, you mean fired, right? Right?

Lois: I just came to tell you that I'm not leaving the Daily Planet.
Tess: You were never leaving, Lois. I fired you.
Lois: Well, I'm not going to get into the whole "she said, she said" thing with you.

Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
