Teresa Lisbon: Why don't you go back to my place, jump into bed? I'll come and tuck you in when I'm done.
Patrick Jane: I'd rather be here with you.

Lisbon: This ice cream is only just okay.
Jane: Don't take it out on the ice cream.

I arrested her, I don't know how I feel about helping her avoid prison.

It felt so good not to live a lie anymore. Scary too. I don't know what's going to happen, if he's going to stick around or...

Jane: You want to know how I got her to lower her guard?
Lisbon: How?
Jane: I lowered my own.

Jane, you don't need to wait until I need to know to tell me things. Not any more.

Lisbon: We should think about getting you a key to this place, don't you think?
Jane: That's a step. It would make things easier.

You're so twisted up in your own dishonesty that you have no idea how to act like a decent human being.

You don't give a damn about what I want or need. I am just a convenience for you. You use me. It's all about you.

Jane: You're moving to a new state with a man. Basically you're getting married, in effect. Lucky you've had all that time to get to know him. Weeks and Weeks.
Lisbon: Months.
Jane: A month even.

Since when am I a target of one of your cons?

Jane: I love that you're predictable.
Lisbon: Just what a girl wants to hear.
Jane: What does a girl want to hear?
Lisbon: I wish I knew.

The Mentalist Quotes

Grace Van Pelt: Mr. Jane, I have a question regarding your previous career path.
Patrick Jane: Fire away.
Grace Van Pelt: When you met with other psychics, real psychics, could they tell you were just pretending?
Patrick Jane: There's no such thing as real psychics.

Greetings old friend, it's been a while. I hope you are keeping well. I am thriving and happy. I have 12 wives now and will soon begin courting number 13. Why can't you catch me? You must feel so powerless and stupid and sad. Oh well. All the best. Red John.

Grace Van Pelt