My father gave his life to protect my children. It's that kind of bravery I imagine would impress a Valkyrie.

Brennan: I want you to understand why he's important. It's because without Sully I don't think I would have been ready for you, for this, and because of that I will always be grateful to him because I love this. I love you.
Booth: I love you Bones, always.

Angela: How are you?
Brennan: Everyone keeps asking me that, I don't know how to answer that question.

Booth: Look Bones, if I were an 18-year-old punk, where would I be?
Brennan: Where the beer is.

Booth: Four years of playing golf and you're still calling it a golfing stick.
Brennan: It's a stick you use to golf, how is that not accurate?

You'd think after 12 years you could handle a little viscera with your oatmeal.

Booth: Don't you think it's good to not know how something works? C'mon, science takes the magic out of everything.
Brennan: It's not magic to begin with, it's just rules that govern the universe.

Maybe that's enough speaking frankly for you today.

The human penis has no skeleton material of any kind.

Jessica: I've seen a lot of things but this, for the rats to get inside of the ribs like that, it's truly horrifying.
Brennan: There's no better word for it.

Early exposure to e-coli bacteria is beneficial to the development of children's immune systems.

Angela: But Booth is Catholic.
Brennan: So, we had premarital sex; clearly exceptions can be made.

Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Booth: You sound really squinty right now.
Aubrey: I'm a child of the nineties, you know. Computers are kind of my thing.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones