No more blame, forgive yourself, and let me go.

Tara: What the hell's wrong with you?
Jessica: I are four faerie girls, I'm so f-cked up.

We're not runnin, no one fu-ks with us in our house.

I just wanna rip these people's heads off and drink their insides.

If heaven does exist, I'm pretty sure Adele Stackhouse would be elected president there.

Fuck you, you uncle tom! Yeah, I said it!

Everyone who's ever been with me has ended up dead. It ain't a long list, but it's a bad one to be on.

Don't you think being a shape-shifter is something you should tell someone before you sleep with them.

Sam: I got nobody.
Tara: You got me.

No one cares about Eggs except me, and I'll miss him for the rest of my life.

They're not men, they're monsters. And Bill ain't any different than the rest of them.

Maybe you can flirt some sense into that girl cuz logic sure ain't working.

True Blood Quotes

Pam: Thanks for the suggestion but we prefer to do things the old fashioned way.
Elijah: Yeah you and Blockbuster Video.

Your bedtime will be 4 a.m., not a minute later... We also recycle in this house.


True Blood Music

  Song Artist
Good Behaviour Powersolo iTunes
Pistol Whip Me Acumen Nation iTunes
Crazed Country Rebel Hank Williams III iTunes