It's funny. Some people never get to know the folks next door. They share a fence and nothing else, and we shared everything. How did we get to be so lucky?

Did you see those legs? How could you not want to be married to those legs?

I'm sorry. I've never been good with ass comments.

Killers don't wear aprons.

I don't know how to tell people what kind of man Mike was... what kind of father, husband and friend he was. I just never thought I would have to sum up his life before he was done living it.

Susan: Perfect! My best gay. Who else better to practice on? Good morning, Lee!
Lee: This is Bob's mother. OH MY GOD!

Gaby: I'm worried about you. First, you stop talking to your friends. Now, you're wiggin' out at a rat funeral. You're making me nervous.
Susan: Well, I'm sorry I'm not handling accessory to murder as well as the rest of you.

We're not criminals. We drive carpool.

Living away from you guys has been hard on me. Because sometimes when friends live apart, they sometimes grow apart, too. But, no matter how busy or how crazy our lives are, something always seems to happen to bring us back together. And that started tonight with this dinner. May we have many, many more.

Susan: I promise no feather duster and no purple bra.
Principal Hobson: And no bustier... Nice talking to you.

Mrs. McCluskey: You should go over and talk to Paul. I'll watch M.J.
Susan: Oh, I can't do that. He might be in the middle of something.
Mrs. McCluskey: Or he might be hanging from the showerhead. Do me a favor and check because if he's dead in there, I live downwind.

Mrs. McCluskey: So, post-transplant sex, huh? If it's as good as my post-cancer sex, you're in for a treat.
Susan: Fingers crossed.

Desperate Housewives Quotes

Let's find something fun-size for me to enjoy.


Preston: We don't want to get spanked.
Porter: Yeah, we promise we'll be good.
Lynette: Too late, you stole and then you lied. Even worse, you made me look bad in front of Mrs. McCluskey, who you know is mommy's sworn enemy. Time to pick your poison. How 'bout a belt? It's a classic... Well, we could go with the old hickory stick. It's a cliche, but it's pretty effective. I know, we'll go with the spatula. The holes give it less wind resistance; moves faster.
Scavo kids: No! No! No! No!
Lynette: Guys, guys, guys, hey my hands are tied. Thieves get spanked. Just the way it works. Unless...
Porter: Unless what?
Lynette: For a first time offense, if you swear, cross your heart, that you will never, never steal again, and you write Mrs. McCluskey a letter of apology, I will let it slide.
Scavo kids: Okay! Yeh! We swear! Yeh! We swear!
Lynette: Alright, start with Dear Mrs. McCluskey.
Porter: Mommy, why are you smiling?
Lynette: Do you know what physiological warfare means?
Porter: No.
Lynette: Well, too bad for you