Taylor: Team Staylor?
Steven: Staylor? Yeah, 1000%.

Steven: I know I fucked up, and Belly too, but at least she was here. The second they needed her, she stepped up. You didn't even tell anyone this was coming.
Laurel: Steven, I've been trying --
Steven: Try harder then.

Steven: You win.
Taylor: I win what?
Steven: This, whatever we're doing. First person to admit they caught feelings loses, right? So I lose, you win. I like you, even when you were just my little sister's annoying best friend. Like, you were always just this person who was around, and now you're someone I miss when they're not around. And I don't know how it happened or when it happened. But now you're my favorite person. Come on, say something, please.

Steven: So you want to tell me what got you all worked up, or be bros and pretend this never happened?
Conrad: I found out I got into Stanford.

Steven: Does Belly really think I don't care about Susannah's death?
Taylor: Of course, she doesn't really think that. She was having a really shitty night.
Steven: I miss Susannah, but I'm also really excited for Princeton. Am I an asshole?

There are times when it feels like the world is happening to you, but remember that you are also happening to the world, so don't wait. Make what you want happen because tomorrow isn't promised, so you better make fucking sure that you are living today.

The Summer I Turned Pretty Quotes

Conrad: Do you want to be with him?
Belly: Being with you is all I ever wanted.

I wasn't in Cousins. Conrad and I weren't together, and Susannah was dead. Nothing would ever be the same again.

Belly Voiceover