Danny: Well if it is the governor tell him you spent this morning vandalizing his trees.
Steve: Please hold for Mr. Malcontent

Danny: I cannot believe you made me an accomplice to a crime.
Steve: A victimless crime.

Steve: That trouble is trouble I did not go looking for, that trouble was dropped at my door.
Danny: Technically. No, not technically, specifically, this trouble exists only because you went looking for trouble by thinking that Leonard was a bad guy and looking into him.

She said I should't wait for, that she has found her place.

I’m thinking about you, buddy.

Obviously, this meant a lot to my dad. I owe it to him to try and solve it.

I really think you would’ve liked being a grandfather.

Grover: Would you relax your giggle hole?
Steve: My what?

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Steve: Listen man, I’ll go through that door first if it makes you feel better.
Danny: I know you would.

Danny: You really think this is the kind of guy to go to the hospital?
Steve: Maybe we’ll get lucky and he'll drop dead before it’s a consideration.

Just because you want to believe in something doesn’t make it true.

Okay, what you call curiosity the law calls stalking.