Hunter: Lash is an Inhuman. Inhumans have markers in their DNA. If we test Banks' blood for markers, we'll know if he's Inhuman or not.
Daisy: That's actually kind of smart.
Hunter: Thank you.

Daisy: You are not cursed. You are not some horrible thing. I know, because you taught me that I wasn't. You convinced me that I had a purpose. That maybe my life wasn't over, but just getting somewhere. Please let me do the same for you.
Lincoln: You're wasting your time caring about me.
Daisy: I can't help it.

Daisy: I could have talked him in, if you didn't put an unsolicited tracker under his skin.
Mack: If you didn't call to alert him, then we...
Daisy: Why wasn't I told?
Coulson: We thought you were a little close to the situation.
Daisy: Of course I'm close to the situation. You asked me to assemble a team, and I accepted.

Coulson: He must have blown his tracker.
Daisy: Yeah, because he's creeped out that you put a tracker in him.

Coulson: Skye, hey? Skye are you okay? Skye?
Daisy: It's Daisy.
Coulson: What?
Bobbi: It's Daisy now sir. You're really having a hard time with this huh?
Coulson: Damn it, yeah.

Garner: I understand the need for these Secret Warriors but...
Daisy: No, it's more than that. When I changed I felt like a monster. I needed help. This is a chance to show people they have a place to belong. It sounds stupid.
Garner: No, but what you're describing sounds more like a halfway house. I'll gladly help you build that.
Daisy: My mother created a halfway house for Inhumans and it was not enough. I want Inhumans taking action with S.H.I.E.L.D. to see that being different can mean making a difference.

Daisy: If the point of the machine was to resonate the room at a certain frequency; I can do that.
Coulson: And you can replicate it?
Daisy: Kind of drilled into my brain.
Coulson: And it could kill you. How long to you think you could hold it?
Daisy: Maybe a minute.
Coulson: If it's too much, you pull back. I can't lose you too.

Daisy: We try to protect people like you from the world, or from yourself. Unless we have to defend the world against you.
Joey: People like me? What is happening to me?
Daisy: You've experienced what's called a biomorphic event. Short version, your DNA changed.

Coulson: Are you ready to refocus your energies?
Skye: Team centered around people with powers? How many on the list?
Coulson: Right now, just you. Take it slow.

Skye: She knew I would see this. She said as much. She saw who you really are so you killed her.
Jiaying: Everything I've done, everything I will do is for the protection of our people.
Skye: You killed Gonzales. You want a war.
Jiaying: War was inevitable. I struck first so we would have the advantage.
Skye: He came to make peace.

Skye: You knew, didn't you? Your visions, you saw fire, destruction. You knew it would all fall apart.
Raina: I'm afraid so. Everyone thinks flowers are so delicate, but they really are quite resilient.
Skye: I'm not here to talk botany.
Raina: No, you're here to ask questions about what's going to happen next.
Skye: Yes.
Raina: Well that's the tragedy, because even if I were inclined to tell you... you wouldn't believe me.

Please just sit down with him. Coulson, he's a good man. He's the only person who's ever tried to take care of me. And until now he's the closest I've had to family.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Hill: Then New York was invaded by aliens, and they were beaten back by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40s, and a god.
Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god
Hill: You haven't been near his arms.

Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for Agent Ward?
Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: That someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD.