They're not the bad guys. They're the victims. We shouldn't be killing the people we're trying to save.

Those two are pretty good together.

Scott: You know Lydia use to pretend not to be smart.
Kira: Our Lydia?
Scott: And Stiles was the only one who knew.
Kira: How?
Scott: He paid attention. He listened to her. He remembered.

Scott: Why did you do that?
Dread Doctors: His condition is terminal.
Scott: What does that mean?
Dread Doctors: Failure.

  • Permalink: Failure.
  • Added:

Stiles: You know, I bet you still think there's something about him that can be saved.
Scott: Maybe.

Scott: Why can't you trust anyone?
Stiles: Because you trust everyone!

Scott: We've been pretty much in the middle for awhile. Which means at some point the scale has to tip one way or the other. Things are going to get really good again-
Stiles: Or really bad.

You were never an Alpha Peter, because you were always a monster.

Scott: Where's your money?
Derek: You're standing on it.
Scott: There's another vault?!
Derek: [laughs] I own the building.

Scott: Who has the power to know when someone's dead but doesn't need to see the body to know what happened?
Kira: A banshee.

Liam: Have you guys done something like this before?
Stiles: Something dangerous or something idiotic?
Kira: The it's yes to both.
Scott: You don't have to do be part of it if you don't want to.
Liam: I'm not scared.
Stiles: Well then you're borderline idiotic.

Malia: How much am I worth?
Scott: $4 million.
Stiles: Are you OK?
Malia: Yeah. Scott's worth 25, Kira's 6; they'll take you guys out way before me.
Stiles: It's progress, it's progress.

Teen Wolf Quotes

Stiles' Dad: So you listen to all of my phone calls?
Stiles: No...well not the boring ones.

Stiles: Two joggers found a body in the woods.
Scott: A dead body?
Stiles: No a body of water? Yes dumb ass, a dead body.