I realized that I'm in love with you, Gunnar.

I say this with love, but court-mandated community service does not exactly drive your point home.

Just for the record, I'm not better than anybody else, but I sure as hell want where I'm going to be better than where I came from.

Gunnar: You can't keep fighting it, Scarlett. Everything that just happened on that stage, the energy, the connection, you and me. It's all still there. I felt it, and I know you felt it too.
Scarlett: Well, as somebody once said to me, all I felt was music.

Gunnar: Wanna help me set up our band's Twitter profile?
Scarlett: We already have a Twitter profile?
Gunnar: Of course. We got to generate publicity. We just need a photo, that's all.
Scarlett: Why?
Gunnar: Well, if you don't upload a photo, then you're just an egg, and no one takes you seriously when you're just an egg.

Scarlett: Say hi to Maddie for me.
Deacon: Why's she 'Facetiming' me now?
Scarlett: 'Cause you're her dad, and she wants time with your face.

Terry: I aint afraid. You're the one who's afraid. Pretending you don't want what you've been pushing on me.
Scarlett: I'm not pushing anything on you, I'm trying to help you. I don't want that!
Terry: I sang with you. I felt it, and you did too. So either that makes you a liar or a coward.

The best way for people like us to deal with all them feelings is to write them down.

Deacon: What?
Scarlett: I didn't say nothing.
Deacon: Well you didn't say it pretty damn loud.

I just wanna get back to normal, whatever that is.

I can't help it. Every second I spend with her feels like a lie and I don't like pretending that it's not.

Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Juliette Barnes has asked me to come out here and make a whole lot of noise for you. But I'm the kind of artist who prefers to whisper. So this one's for you Juliette.

Nashville Quotes

Daphne: You wanted us to be taken more seriously, and I was just trying to-
Maddie: To look ridiculous?

Marshall: It's not a request.
Rayna: Well I don't take orders.