Sam: Yeah, I didn't ask for you to rescue me, Emma. You did that for you, and you never asked what do I want. You just came in, and fuckin Sam, do this, Sam don't kill people.
Emma: OK, that's pretty normal
Sam: I'm not normal, Emma. This is what normal looks like when you've had my fucking life. You know, while you were worrying about, ohh maybe, starring in a reality TV show, I was having a needle shoved up my fucking spine.
Emma: That is not what I meant. No, Sam, I want what's best, and you know that.
Sam: You want what is best for you.
Emma: I risked everything for you.
Sam: Emma, you would do anything for everyone to like you. You're not a hero.
Emma: No, Sam. Don't say that!

Supe 1: Fucking narc. You don't know shit
Neuman: We're gonna find common sense solution here...
Rufus: [Shouting} You will not control us!
Neuman: It's not about control...
Rufus: [Chanting] You will not control us!
Crowd: [In unison] You will not control us!
Neuman: People are passionate about this issue
Sam: Why is everyone so angry?
Rufus: Because they're trying to limit us. Limit our powers. But Homelander is white.

I did rip an entire person in half. I mean, in my defense, he was a puppet at the time, so...

She (Shetty) hates us.

You're not real. You're all fucking puppets.

Sam: You always do that. Why do you always do that?
Emma: Do what?
Sam: Whenever I say something nice, your voice gets all twisty, like it isn't true.
Emma: Look, I appreciate the compliment, but...
Sam: ... but I'm sick in the head.
Emma: Oh, I wasn't gonna put it that way because you know my superpower is as a puke eater. It's embarrassing, you know.
Sam: I'm not the best judge for what's humiliating. I used to put stuff up my ass for money.
Emma: What?
Sam: Yeah, no, it wasn't for money.

Sam: Did you know about this Compound V stuff?
Luke: No. No.
Sam: How could Mom and Dad do that to us?
Luke: They thought they were giving us powers.
Sam: Well, I got a lot more than powers. I got a broken fucking brain!

Gen V Quotes

When Golden Boy flames on, his clothes burn off. And he's uncut. Because I guess like he's impossible to cut. I'd put my tongue on that.


Brink: See, that is what most superheroes, even the big ones, they just don't get. That being a hero -- a real hero -- it's not about glory. It's about sacrifice. You understand that?
Marie: I think so, Sir.
Brink: Good. Good. Because, and I can't tell you how sorry I am to tell you this, but you're being expelled.
Marie: What?
Brink: See, Golden Boy, Andre, Jordan, they're going all the way. They could save thousands of people. But not if TMZ finds out that they almost let a woman bleed to death because they were high. Somebody's got to take that hit.