Sam: New York's not my speed. It's too fast, it's too loud, there's too many sports teams so I get confused on who I'm supposed to root for.
Blaine: We just root for whoever's winning.

[to Rachel] You know, we all support you. We always do. Just please think about the future, and not just, like, the next month or the next big ticket out of here. Look back at yourself from the future and ask yourself if dropping out of NYADA is something you're proud of.

Rachel: This is what I wanted!
Sam: No, what you wanted was a second chance to get it right and Carmen just gave it to you. If you throw all that away you're going to be making the same mistake all over again

Wow. The Rachel Berry childhood bedroom. Is it weird to think that someday this room's gonna be recreated in some Broadway museum, hopefully with animatronic robots?

Look, I'll admit it, Rachel, I have a little thing for you, and with a nudge or two it could probably grow into a big thing, but there's like a huge part of me that has a huge thing for Mercedes.

Look man. Every movement needs a leader, someone to step out into the light and say this is me, this is who I am, and this is what I stand for.

Sue: Operation Break Rachel's Heart While Sabotaging the New Directions is proceeding very nicely.
Sam: Have you thought about using a shorter name for the operation?

Sam: What do you do in your free time?
Rachel: Hmmm...besides cry?

If I was a soup I would probably be minestrone.

My dream of being almost naked on a public bus is thisclose to coming true.

You always have to have your guitar 80% of the time.

Fact - Sex is awesome. It’s like one of the greatest things God ever invented.

Glee Quotes

You think this is hard? Try waterboarding. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor

You think this is hard? I have hepatitis. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor