Lily: Well at least an annulment will be better than a messy divorce.
Rufus: Are you sure about this?
Lily: I can only have one marriage. This just isn't one anymore.

Lily: How dare you have annulment papers drawn up behind my back.
Rufus: I tried to call you, you didn't answer. I wanted to give us a chance to work things out before Bart started causing problems.
Lily: Our problems long pre-date Bart's return. You haven't spoken to me in weeks. You've had no interest in working on our marriage until you saw this as a competition with him.

Bart: Rufus. You're looking well. I see your transition from Brooklyn to the big time has done you wonders.
Rufus: I'm not here for small talk. I just need you to sign these annulment papers.
Bart: So. Lily has chosen to end our marriage in order to save yours.
Rufus: She made her choice three years ago when she decided to leave you for me. Nothing's changed since then.
Bart: Maybe I have. All that time in hiding made me realize what's really important.
Rufus: What does that mean exactly?
Bart: If Lily's happiness depends on my signature on these, you will have them by the end of the day.

One of Lily's marriages has to be annulled. I need to make sure it's not mine.

Lily: I just spoke to the doctor and the good news is Blair is awake and responsive.
Rufus: And Chuck?

Charlie: This is all my fault.
Rufus: Of course it's not. What are you talking about?
Charlie: I sent the Gossip Girl blast.

Dan: Blair's getting married and having a baby with Louis. And if she wasn't with Louis she'd be with Chuck, not me.
Rufus: Maybe. Even if Blair doesn't feel the same way, it might be worth it for you to tell her how you feel. At least so you can move on.

Lily: Just because Carol made a mockery of her own debut does not mean Charlie should be cheated out of the experience.
Rufus: Yeah, she hired Karen Finley to go in her place and when Carol's name was called, Karen walks out wearing nothing but chocolate and a pillbox hat.
Lily: Now I'm a Karen Finley fan, but it was a bit much. We were barred from the Plaza for years.

Rufus: I know Dan. It's not like him to skip out on an obligation.
Lily: And I know you. What time would you like to leave for Boston?
Rufus: The Morris Miner's in the parking lot in Brooklyn. It'll be faster to drive.

Lily: What's going on? Is Dan okay?
Rufus: I'm not sure. That was his agent Alessandra. She said he missed his book signing in Boston yesterday and he didn't check into Burlington either. She can't find him anywhere.

Rufus: People who still go to book stores are real readers. They don't care if a book's on some best-whatever list.
Dan: Yeah, it seems that way. Turn out's been great.

Lily: Rufus and I have a small gift for you.
Rufus: Opening night, I tracked it down for you.
Cece: How surprisingly thoughtful. If I had any memory of that night I'm sure it would be fond.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.