Roy: You are poison. You put her in Ra's al Ghul's gun sites. You had her kill Sara.
Malcolm: Thea knows nothing about Sara and she never will.
Roy: That's where you're wrong. I know her. She'll get to the truth no matter how good you think you're hiding it and when she does find out you've been lying to her, you're gonna lose her forever. Trust me, I know it from experience.
Malcolm: This is a family matter, Mr. Harper, and you are not family.

Roy: What the hell do you think you're doing out there?
Laurel: Same thing as you.
Roy: I've had training from Oliver and years on the streets. You have a law degree.

Diggle: I'm more of a glock kind of a guy.
Roy: I didn't say anything.

Roy: It's cool. You guys are fun.
Cisco: So are you guys. Well, you could be if you realized you're working under a night club.

Cisco: I have so many ideas for improvements. And this! This is the bomb. Red is so much cooler than green, am I right?
Roy: I am really starting to like this guy.

So I didn't kill Sara, but I am a murderer.

Roy: I'm going to miss this. I feel like I was just starting to get good at it.
Oliver: You are getting good at it.
Roy: That guy? He said I was just another weapon in your arsenal.
Oliver: Well maybe that's what we should call you, then. Arsenal.

Roy: Don't abandon me.
Oliver: Never.

Roy: Nothin' much. Just a feeling. A feeling of being not me. Being strong and out of control. But, here's the thing, in those dreams, I killed Sara.
Felicity: And this really had you worried.
Roy: Because the dreams, they didn't feel like dreams, Felicity, they felt like memories. I actually remember throwing arrows into her. Crazy, right?
Felicity: Yeah. Crazy.

Felicity: You just had me test your blood for a serum you were cured from six months ago. I already knew it was stupid.
Roy: The reason I haven't been sleeping is because I have been having dreams, and not normal ones.

You guys are professional killers. That's a pretty low bar.

Sara: And I think you're just blaming Oliver because you lost Slade.
Roy: Of course you're on his side. You're screwing him.