Rosemary: What do you want?
Elizabeth: I don’t know. I can’t imagine leaving Hope Valley or living in Capitol City, living that life. But as Lucas’s wife-to-be, how could I not go with him? I’m trying. My heart just doesn’t seem to want to follow. Am I doing the right thing by going?
Rosemary: Only you can answer that.
Elizabeth: I just don’t know how I feel about leaving or-
Rosemary: Or?
Elizabeth: Or the wedding. I thought it’d be the right choice. It was secure and comfortable.
Rosemary: And safe.
Elizabeth: Safe. I was just so afraid of getting hurt again, but I don’t think I was listening to my heart, and now it’s become louder and louder, and I just don’t know what it’s trying to say.
Rosemary: I think you do. And no matter what you decide, I will always be here for you. Always.
Elizabeth: I really like knowing you can see my light on.

Rosemary: Are you sure about this?
Elizabeth: It’s the future of Hope Valley.

Elizabeth: What is it?
Rosemary: Cunningham has withdrawn from the governor’s race. Governor Balfour will now run unopposed.

Elizabeth: Maybe this is a bad omen.
Rosemary: No! No, of course, it isn’t. This is just a mistake. Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: There’s just so much going on. The town and the water and the wedding in the middle of it all? It’s normal to get the jitters, isn’t it?
Rosemary: Sure it is. Are you having doubts?
Elizabeth: No! Just about the dress.

Rosemary: So, be honest with me. How much trouble are we in?
Lucas: Two courses?
Rosemary: Two it is! And what about the black tie gala?
Lucas: Can I have 48 hours?
Rosemary: Alright.
Lucas: Great.
Rosemary: He will just have to extend his stay, and if he can’t so be it.
Elizabeth: Rosemary!
Rosemary: I always say, don’t let perfect be the enemy of good enough. Perhaps I should say it more often.

Elizabeth, rusty is for nails, not choirs. Thank you just the same.

Faith: Grief is unusual. It doesn’t know the time.
Rosemary: Grief?
Faith: Rosemary, I think you might be grieving the loss of your mother.
Rosemary: I miss her.

Faith: When I did my residency on the maternity ward, I came to realize that one of the hardest roles to play is a motherless mother.
Rosemary: I never heard that term before. I’ve never had this much love inside me, but I’ve never felt this afraid.

It’s not just me who will want answers. Our daughter deserves to know her grandmother is as well.

Elizabeth: I don’t want to live in a castle.
Lucas: Pardon me?
Elizabeth: I don’t want a house on a hill. Being here is where I feel happy.
Lucas: Are you sure? It would be brand new with the latest of everything.
Elizabeth: Lucas, it would never feel like home. This place, I, I have so many memories here. I have a community here. I have Rosemary and Lee next door. Having my best friend over while our babies sleep upstairs? There’s just no house on a hill that could make up for that. This is what’s important to me, and I hope to you, too.
Lucas: I did it again, didn’t I?
Elizabeth: You’re a dreamer. You have these grand ideas, and I, and I would never want to deny you of them. But this is my home. Our home.
Lucas: I understand. I do. However, even if you don’t want to live in a castle, it doesn’t mean I won’t stop treating you like a queen. Goodnight, m’lady.

Rosemary: We’d waited so long for this moment. We’d almost given up hope.
Lee: Yeah. She’s our little miracle.
Rosemary: Why does the world look so different all of a sudden?
Lee: Because it is.
Elizabeth: Because she’s in it.

Rosemary: You knew I was nervous. You knew I had my doubts, and you wanted to help me through them.
Elizabeth: A big part of motherhood is supporting other mothers.
Rosemary: Yeah, I see that. I also see that I not only have a best friend who is like a sister to me, but I have a whole family.

When Calls the Heart Quotes

I have one of these at the office; I do not need one in my house.


Bill: From now on, you just mind your own business. Leave the law and order to me.
Nathan: Yeah, I can't do that.
Bill: Why's that?
Nathan: Because I'm your new Mountie, Nathan Grant.