Rory: I'm so sorry, Mom.
Lorelai: (sarcastically) Aw, really? You didn't make that clear.

Lorelai: You look like you're tilting. Are you tilting?
Rory: I'm not tilting.
Lorelai: I think you're tilting. Here, let me balance a pen on your head and make sure.
Rory: Ok, see this is not how you console the injured.
Lorelai: You're right. Sorry.

Lorelai: Look, I was upset, he was upset, we had a thing, it's over, everything's fine.
Rory: A thing?
Lorelai: A thinglet, if you will.
Rory: You and Luke don't have thinglets very often.

Lorelai: We should be eating, I'm hungry! Don't they want us eating? Isn't that what the point of the Hungry Diner is, to feed the hungry diner? Or is the point of the Hungry Diner to keep the diner hungry, in which case they should call it the Eternally Hungry Diner cuz you're not gonna get any food here, loser!
Rory: That would be quite a sign.

Lorelai: Look, I'm giving these paper-topped turkeyheads 3 seconds to seat us, or I swear I'm gonna start...
Waitress: Two?
Lorelai: Yes, please!
Rory: You're gonna what?
Lorelai: What?
Rory: You said you were gonna do something if somebody didn't seat us in 3 seconds
Lorelai: I did?
Rory: Yes, you did. And then the waitress came and you never finished saying what you were gonna do.
Lorelai: Honey, we've gotta get some food into you, you're imagining things!
Rory: What were you gonna do?
Lorelai: Shh, you're getting screwy!
Rory: Mom!
Lorelai: Mom? I'm not your mom, do you need help little girl?
Rory: Oh my God!

Babette: Oh! Rory, Sweety! Hold on there, baby.
Rory: Hey, Babette. Is everything okay?
Babette: I should be asking you that question. Come here. Let me see that arm. Oh, you poor little thing. How you doin', huh?
Rory: I'm doing fine.
Babette: Ah, look at ya' being brave like that after all you've been through. Geeze! It's so hard being a woman! Isn't it?
Rory: I guess.
Babette: I mean you got your morals and your standards and your good common sense and then, BAM! You meet some guy and then all that goes right out the window.
Rory: But...
Babette: For every good woman, there's a dirty little wolf just ready to lead her astray. you can't help it. He's got the eyes, the chin, chest hair you could carpet your dining room with. What's a woman to do? We're not made of steal for God's sakes.
Rory: Babette...
Babette: I was in a cult once. Did I tell you that?
Rory: No!
Babette: I met this guy once, gorgeous, tan, looked just like Mickey Hargitay. We had coffee. He gave me a pamphlet. Next thing you know, I'm wearin' a moomoo playing the tambourine jumping up and down at the airport.
Rory: Okay, I really have to get inside.
Babette: Oh, sure hon, sure. You go take good care of yourself, and don't be embarrassed toots. This has happened to all of us.

Lorelai: There are like fifty tables open.
Rory: You're exaggerating.
Lorelai: (pointing at tables) One, two, three, four, fifty! I am not!

Rory: You know, there will be food there.
Lorelai: Finger food, aka snooty little balls of attitude!
Rory: Oh boy.
Lorelai: I need real food, peasant food, hearty bread, meat, cheese, little pickle chips, sauce, a special sauce. This is the food that sustains me, this is the food of my...
Rory: Oh my God, just eat the burger already!
Lorelai: How crabby!
Rory: I'm not crabby.
Lorelai: I didn't even get through my special sauce speech. That's crabby.

Rory: We're studying.
Jess: You're studying. I'm prying into your personal life.

(Settling down to sleep in Rory's room)
Lorelai: Good night.
Rory: Freak of side show proportions.
Lorelai: I love you, too.

Rory: Mom?
Lorelai: Shh! The chair is trying to sleep.

Lorelai: So, how are you feeling?
Rory: Haunted by the sight of Kirk's bare chest.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

Lorelai: Hi, Mom.
Emily: Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?
Lorelai: (sounding uncomfortable) No, I just, uh, finished up my business class and I thought I would stop by.
Emily: To see me?
Lorelai: Yes.
Emily: Well, isn't that nice. Come in.
Lorelai: Thanks.
(They walk to the living room.)
Lorelai: The place looks great.
Emily: It hasn't changed.
Lorelai: Well, there you go. How are the girls at the bridge club?
Emily: Old.
Lorelai: Well... good.
(Lorelai and Emily sit, opposite to each other)
Emily: You said you were taking a business class?
Lorelai: Yeah, mmhmm, yeah. I'm taking a business class at the college twice a week. I'm sure I told you.
Emily: Well, if you're sure then you must have. (she pauses) Would you like some tea?
Lorelai: I would love some coffee.
Richard: (calling from another room) Emily? I'm home.
Emily: We're in here.
(Richard walks into the living room)
Lorelai: Hi, Dad.
Richard: What is it, Christmas already?

Lorelai: (speaking to Luke) Wow, you look nice. Really nice.
Luke: I had a meeting earlier at the bank. They like collars. You look nice, too.
Lorelai: I had a flagellation to go to.
Luke: So, what'll you have?
Lorelai: Coffee, in a vat.
Rory: I'll have coffee also. And chili fries.
Luke: That's quite a refined palate you got there.
(Luke walks to the counter)
Lorelai: (to Rory) Behold the healing powers of a bath.