Beckett: I need a miracle, guys.
Ryan: Okay, you got it.
Esposito: One miracle coming up.

Oh my God, could my ex-wife be LokSat? Because in a lot of ways that could make a lot of sense.

But it was a Hollywood promise; not worth a damn.

I don't think date night counts when it's a candlelit dinner with the Butcher of Guadalajara.

As long as I'm with you, I'll go anywhere.

The victim's not going to get any deader.

Beckett: That my man would stop talking about being some skeezy blonde's master and start talking about taking his wife to bed.
Castle: Oh well, I don't need a genie to grant that wish.

Beckett: Time machine?
Castle: Only to go back and fall in love with you all over again.

Castle: I have no need for genies because I already have everything I could ever wish for.
Beckett: Right back at you, handsome.

Got a crime scene right here. My mother just killed the mood.

Contrary to what you three have led me to believe, those women's prisons are nothing like the late night skin-a-max movies.

I'm not making anymore decisions concerning LokSat without Beckett.

Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
