Mom: Yeah, you better topple.
Professor Farnsworth: You always were a hot-blooded Latina.
Narrator: Like all reptiles, the Galapagos tortoise is cold-blooded.

Professor Farnsworth: I never thought I'd live to see this tree again. Thank you for staying with me, Fry.
Fry: I'm not Fry, I'm his great-great-grandson, Fry.
Professor Farnsworth: Wha?
Fry: My beak is different, see. It evolved a slightly bigger hook over the generations to eat the cactus on this part of the island.

Leela: There's got to be a lady tortoise out there for you, Hubert. What about her?
Professor Farnsworth: Are you crazy? She's a slightly different subspecies. See how her shell flares imperceptibly at the neck? Talk about a cloaca shrinker.

Fox news, everyone! I've decided to make the fox our new corporate mascot!

God didn't get to be God by giving away money!

Oh, I'm sorry, Bender. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Also, good news everyone! We have a delivery to the robot homeworld!

Leela: I ate Fry! I broke up with my boyfriend and then I ate him!
Professor Farnsworth: Oh now, now, we've all been there.

It's July, right? Let's wait three months and go to Oktoberfest!

Oh, I can't do this, Hermes. Your wife's moving pleas have made me realize you might have litigious survivors.

Leela: Professor, there's nothing wrong with Nectar. It's all natural.
Professor Farnsworth: So are carrots, but you don't see me injecting them between my toes! [Lights up carrot, smokes it]

The attention Cobb's receiving is inflating his ego! It's going totally Kanye!

Bender: Good news, everyone!
Farnsworth: Wh-wh-wha?

Futurama Quotes

There! This oughta' show that stupid robot we care about him.


Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.
