Fry: Is it weird if I talk about his crazy turtle penis?
Bender: No.

Professor Farnsworth: I never thought I'd live to see this tree again. Thank you for staying with me, Fry.
Fry: I'm not Fry, I'm his great-great-grandson, Fry.
Professor Farnsworth: Wha?
Fry: My beak is different, see. It evolved a slightly bigger hook over the generations to eat the cactus on this part of the island.

Narrator: The new hatchlings are known as fry.
Amy: What's your name?
Fry: I don't have a name, I'm a salmon!

Fry: Congratulations, Bender. You've ended robot animal cruelty within a 20 yard radius of this building. You ready to call it a day, or do you have one more score to settle?
Bender: The second thing.

Fry: He always has time for me: whether it's sending me off on a delivery or pulling me aside and telling me I'm doing a bad job.

Let's hover-roll.

Bender: I gotta mope things over for a while.
Fry: What's happening?
Leela: I don't know. I think he's shuffling off sadly in the distance.
Fry: Oh lord.

Fry: Kill all modern humans!
Bender: Hey, this guy's alright!

So my sadness makes perfect sense. And I do have vague memories of people refusing to breed with me.

Fry: And the worst part is, I had to have the breakup sex by myself!
Bender: Fry, some of us have real problems! I just learned there are people with fancier sausage meats than me!

Man, all the fun has been taken out of this once-noble Barfapalooza!

Fry: Hey, Bender! You should become an executioner! You could kill humans and wear a cool hood.
Bender: Nah, I like my victims to know who did it.

Futurama Quotes

There! This oughta' show that stupid robot we care about him.


Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.
