Maid at Hotel: Oh excuse me!
Peyton: It's okay we're getting married! [maid leaves] Um okay, so you know how you said our wedding should be a dream come true?
Lucas: Oh boy!
Peyton: Now, I know I never wanted my wedding to be princess for a day but,I would like it if your mom was there and [cell phone ringing] It's Brooke, can I tell her?
Lucas: Sure, you can tell her we're coming home for the ceremony.

Lucas: When I was a kid I used to love to jump on my bed. I'd pretend I could fly. I'd pretend I could dunk. I was happy. My mom would pass the room and shout, "Lucas Scott, if you break that box spring, you'll be sleeping on the floor for the rest of your life."
Peyton: Well, here's the good news if you have to sleep on the floor, I will sleep there with you.
Lucas: For the rest of your life?
Peyton: Definitely.

Peyton: Responsible-I've-not-been-attacked-by-Psycho-Derek text message sent.
Lucas: Responsible-I-know-I've-been-dark-lately-but-everything's-ok message sent.
Peyton: Oh, it's a message from you! It says "Peyton, I love you, let's go get married, Lucas" Can a text message change your life?
Lucas: God, I hope so.

Lucas: So, I made dinner reservations for tonight, if you want?
Peyton: Actually, I was thinking maybe we could just stay in, have a quiet dinner, kiss a while. And there is a chance that I could be rocking some slightly dirty girl lingerie underneath these jeans.
Lucas: I think I need to sit down.

Lucas: Happy Anniversary!
Peyton: Go back out!
Lucas: Why? Is the mail man here again?
Peyton: No. He just put on his pants and jumped out the window, but he did leave you an anniversary gift and I haven't wrapped it yet. Hi babe.
Lucas: Hey wifey! These are for you.
Peyton: Oh!! They're beautiful! Thank you! How was your day?
Lucas: It was good. It is good. You know can't believe it's been a year.
Peyton: Time flies when you get what you wish for.

[Lucas is dialing a number from his phone ... Peyton, Brooke and Lindsey all pick up theirs]
Peyton: Hello?
Brooke: Hello?
Lindsey: Hello?
Lucas: Hey, it's me. Look, I'm at the airport. I've got two tickets to Las Vegas. Do you wanna get married tonight?

Lucas: I don't hate you. I remember the first time I ever saw you, all skinny arms and tangled mess of hair. It was hard letting you go Peyton. You know? It was hard losing you and it was hard seeing you again and it's still really hard.
Peyton: I know. While I'm asleep, I have this dream where we're back in that hotel room in L.A. and you proposed to me and every single time I say "yes."
Lucas: It's just a dream, right?
Peyton: It's my dream.

Peyton: That's what he writes. But what he says is a totally different story.
Haley: Sometimes people write the things that they can't say.
Peyton: Yeah... you know Ellie once told me not to be afraid of the music, just cause it might end. Thanks Haley, you really are a good friend. And I am so happy I never shared any of my secrets with you.

Peyton: Alright. How about, I hate you bitch you ruined my life. Does that do anything for ya?
Haley: [laughs] You know what, I do have some words for you, even though they're not mine. Lucas and I, we use to write our predictions every year, before the school year started. Sort of what we'd hope would happen.
Peyton: Lame.
Haley: You know you're jealous.
Peyton: Kind of.

Brooke: How long's it been?
Peyton: About an hour.
Brooke: You said that last time I asked.
Peyton: Well, hon, that was thirty seconds ago.

Brooke: And anyway, Angie is scared of her creepy Aunt Peyton, isn't she? Yes. We like Uncle Lucas better.
Peyton: Hey!
Brooke: I'm kidding. [to Angie] We're kidding, aren't we? Yes.
Peyton: I mean it is pretty great that he's helping out. Its kind of Mr. Mom, but its nice.

Haley: Peyton are you really in love with Lucas or are you just in love with the idea of Lucas?
Peyton: If I'm being honest, maybe a little bit of both. I think I miss what I thought we would be.

One Tree Hill Quotes

Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.

Dan: You don't wanna be the guy looking back at blue ruffles.
Lucas: Ah, good point. So what'd you wear to prom?
Dan: Blue ruffles.