Caitlin: I'm going with you.
Peter: No. I'm not risking your life too.
Caitlin: We were both in that Montreal painting. I think I'm supposed to go with you, Peter . Besides, when you find Ricky's killer, I want to be there.
Peter: What for?
Caitlin: To kill the bitch

Peter: The world is in danger. What am I supposed to do?
Caitlin: We’ll figure it out.
Peter: Please tell me who I am, what the future holds.

Tuko: We're talkin' football, yeah? Soccer?
Peter: I lost my memory. I'm not an idiot

Peter: Lightning.....lightning!....Sparks....lightning
Kaitlin: So you just have to shout it out? I'm just trying to understand how it works.
Peter: That makes two of us.

Peter: So, I was right.
Will: So you were. Congratulations, Peter!

Claire: Please tell me there's another way.
Peter: There is no other way.
Nathan: Yes there is, Claire. The future's not written in stone.

Claude: [to Peter] What are you doing?
Peter: Something unexpected.

[to Nathan] Hey, you know what? I'm just gonna fly off the terrace yeah? No? Hey, I can fly. Nathan so can you. Tell you what. Why don't you just race around the Statue of Liberty real quick. Huh? Give this tweedy cat something to write about.

So wait, save the cheerleader, save the world?

Future Hiro: Peter Petrelli.
Peter: How is this happening?
Future Hiro: I'm sorry if I scared you. You look different without your scar.
Peter: I don't know you, buddy.
Future Hiro: Not yet. My name is Hiro Nakamura. I'm from the future. I have a message for you.

Peter: You Chandra Suresh?
Mohinder: No. That was my father.
Peter: Yeah, um... Your father wrote a book about people with... abilities. I-I think I may be one of them.

Nathan: Would you keep your voice down?
Peter: You were there. Last night I could fly. This morning, nothing. I nearly broke my neck trying.
Nathan: Well, that would have solved one of our problems.

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys