Echo: All of these things that happen to me, I feel them.
Ballard: I know, Echo. I know you remember everything.
Echo: Not remember - feel. I was married. I felt love, and pain, fear. It's not pretend for me. They made me love my little boy and then they took him away. They make it so real. Every time, they make it so real. Why do they do that?

Ballard: If you want, I'll tell Topher what's going on with you and he can fix it. He'll come up with a way to wipe you and you won't remember a thing. You won't have to feel sad anymore.
Echo: Feeling nothing would be worse. It would be like before - asleep. I'm awake now. I don't want to go back to sleep.

Echo: I remember everything. Sometimes I'm someone else and then I come back, but I still feel them. All of them. I've been many people. I can hear them, sometimes suddenly. I'm all of them, but none of them is me. Do you know who's real?
Ballard: Caroline
Echo: I want to find her. I want to find all of them. Real them. They can be found. We are lost, but we are not gone.

Ballard: You want to study the rat before you slice it up.
Adelle: Well that is how science works.

Ballard: So this is it. This is where you steal their souls.
Topher: Yeah, and then we put 'em in a glass jar with our fireflies. Why is there a tall, morally judgmental man in my imprint room besides him? (indicates Boyd)

Ballard: Brian, thank God it's you.
Tanaka: And not someone who can stand you?

Ballard: Can I trace where it was transmitting?
Jimmy: Absolutely... if you were E.T.. It inverts the frequency into white noise. The only way you could find it once it hits the universe is to know exactly which speck of dust you're looking for and tune in on it.
Ballard: What about scrambling it?
Jimmy: Someone put this on you? You're gonna need an RF detector, a smart scrambler, and a frequency jammer. And to believe in God. Because I don't care how big you think you are, they're bigger.

Paul: Didn't know I could cook, did you?
Mellie: Nope.
Paul: Good. Then you won't be disappointed when you find out I can't.

Loomis: Then you know that I've got plenty of faces to scan for people much more impressive than you.
Ballard: Not as charming.
Loomis: Was that flirting?
Ballard: I think so. It's been a while. Did I mention I was shot?

If you have everything, you want something else.

If you have everything, you want something else. Something more extreme. Something more specific. Something perfect.

Dollhouse Quotes

If you have everything, you want something else. Something more extreme. Something more specific. Something perfect.

Paul Ballard

You ever try to clean an actual slate? You always see what was on it before.
