Patrick Jane: You knew I’d be back.
Teresa Lisbon: No, I didn’t. I can’t read minds.

Officer: So you are Patrick Jane?
Patrick Jane: All day, every day, unfortunately.

Teresa Lisbon: You can't keep pulling me from the path of oncoming trains.
Patrick Jane: Yeah, why not?
Teresa Lisbon: Because there's always new trains coming.

Luck is the planning you don’t see.

Lena Abbott: Dennis tells me you have one of the trickiest and most devious minds he's worked with.
Patrick Jane: He did, did he? Well I didn't come here to be flattered but go on.

I'm happy to wait here. I'm not your dog. Jackass.

Lay off the anti-depressants. They're making your slow and you're still not happy.

Belinda Bittaker: You can sneer at me all you'd like.
Patrick Jane: I will, thank you.

It's like a master class in dishonesty.

Years from now when you tell Henry this story how will it go? Did the three of you take an evil killer off the street or did you play it safe? Is Henry's birthright going to be one of proud bravery or sensible caution. Tough call.

I'm going to give you some advice. Never play foosball with a woman who's raised three brothers. It's exhausting.

Teresa Lisbon: Would you be surprised if I said I loved you?
Patrick Jane: I'd be lying if I didn't say I'd be moved by that.
Teresa Lisbon: I love you. I said it.
Patrick Jane: I'm surprised.

The Mentalist Quotes

You are a terrible liar. I like that in a man.


These aren't the droids you're looking for.
