Laurel: Isn't babysitting a little bit below your pay grade?
Dinah: Way below, but the SCPD is going to keep you safe whether you want us to or not.
Laurel: Okay fine, whatever suit yourself. You mine as well make yourself useful while you're here and make me a coffee. Two sugars, no cream.
Dinah: Never happening.

Oliver: I need to find his pressure point.
Stanley: WWGAD?
Oliver: What?
Stanley: What would Green Arrow do?
Oliver: Oh, he'd have Overwatch gather information.
Stanley: What's an Overwatch?

It makes sense now why there is a new Green Arrow out there, because the old one is a coward.


Oliver: You're a really good father.
Lance: So are you.
Oliver: I had a really good example.
Lance: Your dad was a good man.
Oliver: I'm not talking about my dad.

Oliver: They don’t care if Siren is collateral damage.
Dinah: So, what are you saying?
Oliver: I’m saying it will be up to us to keep her safe.

And I'm sorry that [Felicity] thinks I'm changing the rules on her, but I am changing the rules on her because things have changed.

I just wanted one night to remind me of what I'm fighting for.

Go to sleep. Tell SCPD I left a present for them.

Oliver:I found the bomb.
Felicity: No, no, no. That’s no “A” bomb. That’s, one, two, three, four bombs.

Thea: You realize you just accused the police department of being corrupt, at the police department gala?
Oliver: I answered a question.
Thea: And you just put blame on the police department instead of taking responsibility for the city’s crimes.
Oliver: You know I’m taking responsibility.
Thea: Yes – the other guy, but as the mayor, it looks like you’re sleepwalking. Okay?

Aww, you gonna make a new friend?


People still need saving. They still need hope.