Oliver: You've done a hell of a job keeping the world safe on your own, Clark. I'm here to help you now.
Clark: Good. Something tells me...soon the world will need all the help we can get.

Clark: I heard you were back.
Oliver: You do know, of course, you look absolute ridiculous in that, right? And I got a great tailor, hook you up with a little color, maybe.

Lois: So... what was that about?
Oliver: Uh-oh. I've seen that look before, usually right before you sock me in the jaw.

You saved my life, Chloe. Both the myth... and the man.

Chloe: You were living like you had a death wish, Oliver. You had to face your demons if you were ever going to make it out alive. And I had to push you over the ledge in order to pull you back.
Oliver: Did you have to push with a 3-ton truck?
Chloe: I didn't think a tricycle would be a strong enough point.

Oliver: Speak your mind, Clark.
Clark: I haven't been paying enough attention to everything. There's been danger all around me that I haven't seen... warning signs I haven't noticed... and people in need that I've neglected. I didn't realize how bad things are. I haven't been here for you. I'm sorry.

I was looking for Tess when the whole building went Resident Evil.

Oliver: Should have known it was you. Clark Kent: the king of buzz kill.

Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
