Iris: Really?
Nora: NO SCHRAP, SHERLOQUE! Sorry for the language, Mom.
Iris: It's okay.

Nora: Do you mind if I actually come with you, too? It’s just that I saw you jump off a building last week and that was awesome so I thought maybe I’d come with you while you did some detective work?
Iris:We would love to have you come with us.

My whole life I felt like I was different form everybody else and I didn’t know why. You took a choice away from me that I didn’t even know I had. A choice to be a hero. Like my dad”

Barry: Nora, you gotta snap out of this.
Nora: What I've got to do, is kill you.

Iris: Good job, Nora.
Nora: Thanks, Mom.

Nora: I got it. I can fix this. I've thought this through. I won't mess it up this time. I promise.
Iris: I trust you. Go.

Cisco: Thanks Fangirl, you saved my life.
Nora: I did good?
Barry: You did great.

Barry: Nora wait what are you doing?! You can't touch that, you'll contaminate the evidence!
Nora: Sorry, you mean you don't have a scene wide modified bi-sonic frequency field to avoid cross contamination?
Barry: I don't even think we have some of those WORDS yet!

Iris: So you’re not stuck here?
Nora: No, I’m not.
Caitlin: So the reverse tack-ions in your system?
Nora: We’re put there because of me.
Cisco: Are you kidding me? Do you know how many credit card points I just blew trying to get rid of your negative tack-ions? I just bought a brand new spectral tack-iometer when I could have had my Fiji get away. Not that I would have had anyone to go with…
Ralph : [gives pouting look at Cisco]
Cisco: I’m not taking you to Fiji, Ralph.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

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Killer Frost