Nathan: I know you have a lot going on right now, but I wanted to talk to you about moving to Capitol City.
Elizabeth: Nathan.
Nathan: Because just yesterday, you told me how you never wanted to leave Hope Valley.
Elizabeth: And I don’t.
Nathan: So then why are you going?
Elizabeth: Well, he hasn’t won yet.
Nathan: But what if he does.
Elizabeth: Then the valley is saved, and that’s all that matters right now.
Nathan: That’s not all that matters.
Elizabeth: He’s our only chance, and if Lucas wins, then he and I will figure it out.
Nathan: And then what? What about teaching? What about these kids? Is this what you want?
Elizabeth: Nathan, this is bigger than me.
Nathan: Elizabeth, you make a difference here. I’m asking you to be honest with yourself. Is this what you want?
Elizabeth: What other choice do I have?
Nathan: Elizabeth, what do you want?
Elizabeth: What I want is for him to win, so I’m leaving with him tomorrow night, and we’re going to campaign and go to the convention, and if he wins, then I guess, I guess we’re moving to Capitol City.
Nathan: Then I hope, I hope it makes you happy. Be safe.

Nathan: I gotta feed Newton, though, so aaah.
Elizabeth: That’s the best you could come up with?

Bill: Do you think you can give me a hand loadin' this stuff up?
Nathan: Anything for love.
Bill: Love? Who said anything about love?

Joseph: It sure is nice up here. It’s been a while since I’ve been out of time.
Nathan: Well, you have about 17 jobs, don’t ya?

Nathan: You know, in my experience, a thief is good at two things, stealing a lying, and this one only seems good at the latter.
Thief: I’m pretty bad at both, and you’re right. If I’d known you two were from around here, I wouldn’t have shown my face.
Nathan: Yeah, you would have just robbed another mercantile.
Faith: People make mistakes, and we can give them a second chance. Sometimes they’ll surprise you.

Faith: Did you let the bandit get away again?
Nathan: Not the bandit, a squirrel. Scout found a squirrel.

Faith: Nathan, it doesn’t really help to just avoid things.
Nathan: I’m not, since you ended things.
Faith: I’m sorry. I don’t have time for this! But, for the record, I didn’t end anything. Do you know why? Because there was nothing to end.
Nathan: That’s not true.
Faith: Yes, it is.

Allie: Oh my gosh. Did we get a dog?
Nathan: No! And don't get attached. He's got more attitude than you do.
Allie: [petting Scout]: Oh, riiight. So much attitude.

When Calls the Heart Quotes

I have one of these at the office; I do not need one in my house.


Bill: From now on, you just mind your own business. Leave the law and order to me.
Nathan: Yeah, I can't do that.
Bill: Why's that?
Nathan: Because I'm your new Mountie, Nathan Grant.