She's not talking to you, she's a minor.

I don't know how Claire Danes does this, it hurts my head.

Serena: The old Gossip Girl hurt people but I'm different.
Nate: No you're not, Serena. Just look at what's happened to you. You've cut yourself off from everything and everyone you care about. That's not right.
Serena: Neither is tricking me.
Nate: Yeah, well go ahead and blame me but I did this to help you. Not to hurt you. Either way it's over, the real Gossip Girl is back.

Serena: My computer's gone.
Lola: Gossip Girl. She took it.
Serena: What? How do you know that?
Nate: Because we set you up.

Lola: So what's the plan? We can't let Serena stay Gossip Girl.
Nate: Trust me, I know. It's not good for anybody. Especially Serena.

Lola: I'm just glad you finally believe me about Serena acting as Gossip Girl.
Nate: And I apologize again for ever having doubted you.
Lola: And for calling me a fame-whoring social climber?
Nate: Yeah. That too.

Chuck: Was that Diana?
Nate: Yeah. Looking for her book. I played it clueless.
Chuck: Good. Because if she's going to continue to lie to us and pretend to be my real mother I see no reason why we shouldn't return the favor.

Chuck: What have you done?
Serena: Okay, someone has to tell me what's going on here.
Nate: We couldn't let her get away without any consequences. She's done nothing but deceive all of us, including you. It just wasn't right.
Lola: Yeah, we're sorry we messed up your deal but this was beyond business. It was personal.
Chuck: You have no idea how personal. I made that deal with her so she would help get my father out of hiding.
Serena: Your father. You mean Jack.
Chuck: Bart. He's alive.

Nate: I want you out of here. Today.
Diana: After all the fun we've had together?
Nate: What would people think if they knew about your side business?
Diana: Is that a threat? Because I am your main financial backer and we did sleep together. Sometimes right here in these very offices. So exposing me would only embarrass The Spectator. And you.
Nate: Then I'll find another way.

Chuck: I'm off to meet Jack. It turns out my father cut him out of the company too.
Nate: I'm not surprised, but are you sure you want to partner with the guy?
Chuck: I need resources. I'm going to get back what I built and my father stole. Nobody knows resource management better than a vengeful Jack Bass.

Lola: I got a job as a swing in the touring company of Wicked.
Nate: Swing. What's that? Like a tart or a prop?
Lola: It's like an understudy but for a lot of characters. Not exactly my dream but with my mom in jail it solves my housing problem.

Chuck: I take it you've decided to have Lola move in for the summer.
Nate: She sleeps here every night, I want to see her every day. I figure why not.
Chuck: This place could use a woman's touch.
Bart Bass: Couldn't we all.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.