Nathan: Dr. Suresh? Do you remember me?
Mohinder: Nathan Petrelli.
Nathan: You yelled at my car.
Mohinder: Yes, we met under unfortunate circumstances. I believe I came off as a deranged lunatic.

[Narrating] To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose. The Earth spins at a thousand miles an hour as we desperately try to keep from being thrown off. Like the first blush in winter that signals a great migration. Is there any warning of their arrival? A sign, a single event that set this chain into motion? Was it a whisper in God's ear? Survive. Adapt. Escape. And if we could mark our single moment in time, that first hint of a prophecy of approaching danger... would we have done anything differently? Could it have been stopped? Or was the die long ago cast? And if we could go back, alter its course, stop it from happening... would we?

Mira: This is the sort of cutting-edge science we used to talk about late into the night.
Mohinder Suresh: [Laughs] The world's worst pillow talk, I'd say.

The earth is large, large enough so you think you can hide from anything. From Fate, From God. If only you found a place far enough away. So you run... To the edge of the Earth, where all is safe again. Quiet and Warm. The Solace of salt air. The peace of danger left behind. The luxury of grief. And maybe, for a moment, you believe you have escaped.

And fate can find you anywhere.

Or is the truth that you do not have the strength or cunning to hide from destiny? That the world is not small, you are.

Can you ever escape?

You can run far; you can take your small precautions, but have you really gotten away?

Mohinder Suresh: Evolution is an imperfect, and often violent process. Morality loses it's meaning. The question of good and evil, reduced to one simple choice: Survive? Or perish?

Mohinder Suresh: Your life may be in danger. I believe someone is targeting you.
Nathan Petrelli: Can you be a little more specific? Twelve percent of the electorate strongly opposes me.

Where does it come from, this quest? This need to solve life's mysteries, when the simplest of questions can never be answered. Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we'd be better off not looking at all. Not doubting, not yearning. That's not human nature. Not the human heart. That is not why we are here.

Eden McCain: He told me he was being watched. I thought he was just eccentric...
Mohinder Suresh: I like that you didn't use the word 'paranoid'.

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys