No Marvin, nobody shrunk your shirts. Nobody added steps to the stairwell at home, and I am certain that nobody made the buttons on your cell phone smaller. Marvin, you're fat...fat, fat, fat!


Skills: Oh, damn. I thought you was the turkey.
Millie: Gobble, gobble.

Millie: Can I ask you a question?
Mouth: What?
Millie: Do you never miss me?
Mouth: Of course.
Millie: Thanks, means a lot.

Millie: I know you Victoria, what do you want?
Victoria: Is that "I'm sorry" in coke whore land?

Millie: I never called Marvin!
Alex: Duh, Gisele. I thought you were mad at him.

Green is the new orange.


Victoria: You don't like me do you?
Millecent: No.
Victoria: Because you feel like I've mistreated you.
Millicent: No, because you're an evil bitch.

Mouth: Hi. I've been thinking about what you said earlier, and I get it. I wouldn't want to date you if you were sleeping with your boss either.
Millicent: Brooke?
Mouth: No, Victoria.
Millicent: Ew.
Mouth: I would totally date you if you were sleeping with Brooke.

One Tree Hill Quotes

Haley: Oh, the magazine pages are sticking again, you little pervert. Oh hey Luke. You've been reading this?
Lucas: I don't know, Haley. Is that the 'why do i hang out with these people?' issue, because you're on the cover of that, right?
Haley: No, actually it's the 'my best friend is an idiot' issue and there you are!

No foul, basket counts. Besides, you won't score again.
