Rachel Berry, you are officially on notice. Wherever your voice can go, mine will be there too.

My name is Mercedes Jones and I don't have a lot of friends at this school. I mean, it's not like I get picked on and folks are nice, I guess, but there sure are a lot of white folks here at McKinley. I mean, there is that one black kid but he's real boring. I'm a star at my church where everybody knows I got a big ass voice, but here? I'm just a nobody. But that's all gonna change real soon.

Rachel: I'm just scared. I haven't been this scared in my whole life. You know, when I was in high school and I had all these big Broadway dreams, I just got used to everyone laughing at me and I figured one day I would make it and I would show them that I'm not a joke anymore. And then I did and it all fell apart and I realized that there is a whole different kind of lauging that is way worse. So...I can't. I can't fail again.
Mercedes: Rachel, we're all going to fail again and again...the hardest part is just getting up, shaking it off, and getting on with it. Let me tell you this, when you sing? Nobody's laughing.

You wanna know what the best thing is about having our gift? It's always there like a good friend. When you open your mouth, there it is.

Well, I'm all for what you're doing here as long as it's a part of the Rachel Berry Rebuilding Project because sooner or later you're going to have to go back to where you belong. New York. Broadway.

You might be a work in progress, but I think you’re worth the wait.

He was the first cool kid to be nice to any of us, and he was our leader in here. We love you, Finn.

Mercedes: Are you gonna argue with our Lord and Saviour Jesus?
Jake: I mean, I'm Jewish.
Mercedes: So was he.

Finn: Okay, we need to do that thing where we call people back. What's that called?
Mercedes, Mike, and Artie: Callbacks.

I have so many steroids running through my body right now I may turn into the Incredible Hulk if you piss me off.

I'm cream here, Mr. Schue. But what if out there, I'm just skim milk.

Sue: Hey, Mercedes, who you texting?
Mercedes: I'm not texting anyone, I'm donating to the Obama campaign...

Glee Quotes

You think this is hard? Try waterboarding. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor

You think this is hard? I have hepatitis. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor