Can we talk about the irony of killing the only place dumb enough to hire us?

Why don't you do us all a favor and start dating Elena again?

How are you gonna deal with your death if you can't deal with your own?

Rebekah: You dated that?
Matt: She likes projects.

This town, this crazy ass world we live in, sometimes not being willing to accept that someone is gone is because maybe they're not. At least not completely.

Poison your best friend once and suspicions follow you everywhere.

Matt: You two are friends?
Rebekah: Is it so hard to believe I would have one?
Matt: Yeah, it is.

Matt: You can't possibly hate me more than I hate myself.
Damon: Yes I can.

Elena: Is it weird that Bonnie isn't returning my calls?
Matt: Is it weird Klaus' bother is in the middle of the town square?

Sometimes it pays to be the only normal one in a town of vampires. I'm practically invisible.

Elena: I know it doesn't make sense. But in the beginning, after my parents died, there was something about being with Stefan. I felt safe.
Matt: Safe? Elena he's a vampire.

Matt: You can't just keep appearing like this. It freaks me out.
Vicki: I'm a ghost. It's all I got.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
