I'm guessing he's not done killing either.

Maggie: Where are they? Where are the girls?
Vance: Go to hell.

Maggie: Yeah. Checked the box and moved on.
Zito: No. I followed procedure. Big difference.

Maggie: Every time you come into my world, you embarrass me.
Erin: I'm sorry you feel that way. But I'm staying in New York.

[Erin] is a magnet for drama and trouble.

Maggie: My sister's in town.
OA: So you're worried?

FBI Quotes

Maggie: I never saw Emmett Grant, but I can't get him out of my head
OA: A lot of people made it out of that building because of you. That matters.

OA: I haven't seen grenades like these since West Point.
Maggie: These are U.S. Army?
OA: Not anymore. They got way more high tech stuff now.