Lucas: I know it's a bit sudden okay, but yesterday was a great day. And I'm sitting on the bus and I realize that none of my great days in my life matter without you. You're the one I want next to me when my dreams come true. You're the one I want next to me if they don't. As long as I have you nothing else matters.
Peyton: There's... it's just not as simple as all of that okay. I mean there's a lot we have to talk about.
Lucas: I know that but we'll figure out all the details when we get back to Tree Hill.
Peyton: Okay I know that's home for you and I miss it sometimes, I do, but for me Tree Hill is two dead moms and a psycho stalker and some really painful memories. You know I actually had to move out to Hollywood to get away from all the drama. So right now this is my home and the only thing that's missing is you.
Lucas: Then I'll move here.

Lucas: Hey, when did you get here?
Peyton: I don't know, like an hour ago.
Lucas: You know you could have woke me up.
Peyton: Luke... what is this? I couldn't bring myself to open it but, uh I've just been sitting here thinking about how much I love you.
Lucas: Well... I wanted it to be a surprise but uh. Peyton, I love you and I want us to be together forever.
Peyton: Luke, wait okay?

Lucas: I feel lost Brooke. I don't know what to do without her.
Brooke: Alright. You remember when I started Clothes over Bros? It was right after we broke up and I was trying to mend my broken heart by focusing on my work and you need to do the same right now. You need to go out there and become the best person and the best writer that you can be and then you approach Peyton and if she comes back to you, you know it's meant to be.

Lucas: Hey, ready to go?
Peyton: Hey, umm... actually I think I'm going to stay so, goodnight.
Lucas: He's not good enough for you.
Peyton: Hey don't do that.
Lucas: Do what?
Peyton: He's not good enough for you? I don't want you saying things like that to me, Lucas. That's not fair to me, it's not fair to Lindsey either!

Much as some of us fight it, our parents have a mystical hold over us, the power to affect our thoughts and emotions the way only they can. It's a bond that changes over time, but doesn't diminish, even if they're half a world away, or in another world entirely. It's a power we never fully understand. We're left only to wonder that when our time comes, what kind of hold will we have on our children?

Lucas: I talked to my mom and, we decided we want you to have it. Rent-free under one condition: that it becomes office space for your new label.
Peyton: Luke.
Lucas: And I've already talked to Brooke, so I don't think you have any more excuses.
Peyton: You know that four years ago I would have jumped at this.
Lucas: But what? It doesn't seem so cut-and-dry any more? Cause it's not. I wrote a novel and I can't write a second one. Mouth's boss apparently hates him, Nathan missed his dream by a breath. It's life. So, you couldn't change the world from Los Angeles. Change it here. I know you can do it, and so do you. Just think about it.

Peyton: I was there Lucas. I was so proud of you, but we hadn't talked in a long time, and I saw you with Lindsey and I figured you guys were together. Which clearly you are. I like her. I do, but do you remember when you first joined the Ravens and you took all my sketches to Thud without even asking? And do you remember what you said that night when you first entered the gym?
Lucas: Your art matters. It's what got me here.

Nathan: You sure you're up for this old man?
Lucas: I could do this forever, little brother.

Lucas: I want you to stay but I won't let you. Do you know why? Because I told you before... You're destined for greatness and it starts tomorrow morning.
Peyton: It doesn't whether I stay or I go. I'm gonna love you forever Lucas Scott.

Lucas: Whitey offered me an assistant coaching job. I'm gonna take it.
Nathan: What? When did you decide this?
Lucas: About the same time I found out I was a godfather.
Nathan: That's great, man. We'll do it together.
Lucas: By the way, make sure you play well on December 9. If Skills beats us, we're never gonna hear the end of it.

Lucas: I say we move on. Let's never go see Dan... ever.
Nathan: You know, this may sound kind of mean, but I'm okay with that. I mean, I got a great wife, I got a beautiful baby son, and I got a hell of a brother.
Lucas: Yeah, a hell of a brother who's gonna be your coach.

Lucas: I wish we never left that hotel room in Honey Grove, 'cause you're perfect, and we're perfect, and that night was perfect.
Peyton: Well saying that just earned you another one.
Lucas: I have to get back to the hospital.
Peyton: Can I come with you?
Lucas: Sure, Just let me hold you for a few more minutes. That's what's gonna fix me.

One Tree Hill Quotes

Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.

Dan: You don't wanna be the guy looking back at blue ruffles.
Lucas: Ah, good point. So what'd you wear to prom?
Dan: Blue ruffles.