Lucas: It's funny, you know all these years we called him Skills, I always thought it had something to do with basketball.
Nathan: That's not funny.
Lucas: Kinda funny.

Lucas: Quentin, uh... was a great kid. He was the leader of this team and I know that he was your friend. I wish... I could take this pain away, but I can't and I'm sorry.
Skills: It's okay to feel angry. It's okay to feel the pain. It's even okay to hate the person that did this, but when that anger and that pain and that hate becomes too much for you, you come see me, Nate or Luke. Understand? We are your family, and we gonna get through this together.
Nathan: You guys know that Q was working out with me, helping me with my game. And that's how I am gonna remember him......strong, happy, playing the game he loved. I want you all to find your own best memories of Q and hold onto them. 'cause that's where he still lives, and he always will.

Jamie: When you get married, do I have to be the ring bearer again?
Lucas: Not if you don't want to.
Jamie: Good because last time it didn't work out so well.

Maid at Hotel: Oh excuse me!
Peyton: It's okay we're getting married! [maid leaves] Um okay, so you know how you said our wedding should be a dream come true?
Lucas: Oh boy!
Peyton: Now, I know I never wanted my wedding to be princess for a day but,I would like it if your mom was there and [cell phone ringing] It's Brooke, can I tell her?
Lucas: Sure, you can tell her we're coming home for the ceremony.

Lucas: When I was a kid I used to love to jump on my bed. I'd pretend I could fly. I'd pretend I could dunk. I was happy. My mom would pass the room and shout, "Lucas Scott, if you break that box spring, you'll be sleeping on the floor for the rest of your life."
Peyton: Well, here's the good news if you have to sleep on the floor, I will sleep there with you.
Lucas: For the rest of your life?
Peyton: Definitely.

Peyton: Responsible-I've-not-been-attacked-by-Psycho-Derek text message sent.
Lucas: Responsible-I-know-I've-been-dark-lately-but-everything's-ok message sent.
Peyton: Oh, it's a message from you! It says "Peyton, I love you, let's go get married, Lucas" Can a text message change your life?
Lucas: God, I hope so.

Gus: It's the most important thing there is. Love. Finding the right person to spend your life with.
Lucas: I know I made the right choice.
Gus: That's where it gets you. Thinking you had a choice. Love finds you, Son, you don't find love. It's got a little bit to do with destiny, fate, what's written in the stars. A lot to do with the simple fact most women are smarter than we are. And wily. Your sorry butt never had a chance. But if you want to believe you had a choice in the matter, I'd say you made a good one.
Lucas: Why is that?
Gus: Because she showed up and she sure is pretty.

Lucas: So, I made dinner reservations for tonight, if you want?
Peyton: Actually, I was thinking maybe we could just stay in, have a quiet dinner, kiss a while. And there is a chance that I could be rocking some slightly dirty girl lingerie underneath these jeans.
Lucas: I think I need to sit down.

Lucas: Happy Anniversary!
Peyton: Go back out!
Lucas: Why? Is the mail man here again?
Peyton: No. He just put on his pants and jumped out the window, but he did leave you an anniversary gift and I haven't wrapped it yet. Hi babe.
Lucas: Hey wifey! These are for you.
Peyton: Oh!! They're beautiful! Thank you! How was your day?
Lucas: It was good. It is good. You know can't believe it's been a year.
Peyton: Time flies when you get what you wish for.

Brooke: Hey, handsome. These are for you, for our one year anniversary!
Lucas: Um, Brooke, I'm your husband. I'm supposed to give you flowers.
Brooke: I know. But I wanted to make sure I'd like them.

Old man: Three simple cards, three beautiful ladies, real simple, son, all you gotta do is pick one.
Lucas: All right.
Old man: Just follow the heart.

[Lucas is dialing a number from his phone ... Peyton, Brooke and Lindsey all pick up theirs]
Peyton: Hello?
Brooke: Hello?
Lindsey: Hello?
Lucas: Hey, it's me. Look, I'm at the airport. I've got two tickets to Las Vegas. Do you wanna get married tonight?

One Tree Hill Quotes

Haley: Oh, the magazine pages are sticking again, you little pervert. Oh hey Luke. You've been reading this?
Lucas: I don't know, Haley. Is that the 'why do i hang out with these people?' issue, because you're on the cover of that, right?
Haley: No, actually it's the 'my best friend is an idiot' issue and there you are!

No foul, basket counts. Besides, you won't score again.
