Lois: Heroism is not for sale.
Booster Gold: Oh everything is for sale. If not for rent.

Before that handsome hero face ends up on jumbo screens in all your red and blue glory, we need to make sure there is nothing handsome or heroic about Clark Kent.

Admittedly, I'm no Martha Kent so instead of lemonade you get the finest microbrew in Kansas.

Clark Kent if I wasn't late I'd kick your bulletproof ass right now.

Lois: Someone wants to forget that the two nights I was home, he was cavorting around in Bangkok.
Clark: They had floods.

The only thing that's ever made me feel normal is you.

Clark [to Lois]

I'll trade a little motion sickness for a bullet in the bonnet any day. We need to call Clark and tell him Don Luthor is going all Godfather on us.

It seems Lionel 2.0 had dotted every "i" and crossed every "t." His resurrection is so ironclad, he could give Lazarus a run for his money.

Hold on Chicken Little. How do we know Connor would love nothing more than to be the only kid on the block more powerful than a locomotive?

Lois: Are you trying to tell me Connor is the genetic love-child of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor?
Clark: You don't have to say it like that.

Ok, Alexander is now Connor? Ok well I guess if Puff Daddy can become Diddy and Prince can say he's that squiggly thing, but I'm worried about what's underneath.

It never hurts to change it up. Except the ring. I'm never gonna take that off. It's my sparkly little ball and chain.

Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
