The good news is we can do things the same as we did last time Bart died.

Ivy: Careful, Lily. You paid a lot of money to fill those worry lines.
Lily: Listen, you vile little interloper. You and Rufus may have rubbed your last two nickels together to replace my art, but the only people that you are making fools of are yourselves.

Lily: Well at least an annulment will be better than a messy divorce.
Rufus: Are you sure about this?
Lily: I can only have one marriage. This just isn't one anymore.

Lily: How dare you have annulment papers drawn up behind my back.
Rufus: I tried to call you, you didn't answer. I wanted to give us a chance to work things out before Bart started causing problems.
Lily: Our problems long pre-date Bart's return. You haven't spoken to me in weeks. You've had no interest in working on our marriage until you saw this as a competition with him.

Bart: Deceiving you was the only way to keep you and Chuck safe.
Lily: If I had known maybe we could have done things differently.
Bart: You mean you would have come with me? Please. You were getting ready to leave me for Rufus.
Lily: I'm sorry for that. I should have had more respect for our marriage. What about Charles? I mean his thinking you were dead was hell for him.
Bart: He got through it though. With your help. He told me about the adoption, Lily. I owe you everything for that.
Lily: Charles is family. And even with you back he's mine too.

Lily: I just spoke to the doctor and the good news is Blair is awake and responsive.
Rufus: And Chuck?

Chuck: The idea of unconditional love is as quaint as the Tooth Fairy or environmentally-friendly drycleaning.
Lily: Not when you're a parent. Look you might only be my son by marriage, Charles, but I've always loved you as my own. And I hope you get the opportunity to feel that with someone some day.

Lily: I'm always here for you. No matter how ugly or dark your feelings may be, you should not have to bear them alone.
Chuck: I appreciate it, Lily, but you have no idea what you'd be taking on.
Lily: Are you kidding? Of course I do. Try as you might, you don't scare me. I'm sorry to inform you that my love for you is unconditional.

Charlie: It's way too generous. Especially after everything I put you guys through with Max.
Lily: Oh please. That was not your fault. That young man had a lot of problems.
Dan: Hm. No wonder Serena was so into him.

Lily: Just because Carol made a mockery of her own debut does not mean Charlie should be cheated out of the experience.
Rufus: Yeah, she hired Karen Finley to go in her place and when Carol's name was called, Karen walks out wearing nothing but chocolate and a pillbox hat.
Lily: Now I'm a Karen Finley fan, but it was a bit much. We were barred from the Plaza for years.

Rufus: I know Dan. It's not like him to skip out on an obligation.
Lily: And I know you. What time would you like to leave for Boston?
Rufus: The Morris Miner's in the parking lot in Brooklyn. It'll be faster to drive.

Lily: What's going on? Is Dan okay?
Rufus: I'm not sure. That was his agent Alessandra. She said he missed his book signing in Boston yesterday and he didn't check into Burlington either. She can't find him anywhere.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.