Mark: I love you.
Lexie: You don't have to say it.
Mark: I've always been in love with you. I'll always be in love with you. Which is why you have to stay alive. We're going to get married. You'll be an amazing surgeon. We'll have kids.

Mark, I'm dying. Please tell Meredith I love her and that she is a good sister.

I love you. It's like you're a disease.

Mark: I miss you.
Lexie: I miss you too.

I said fresh.

He's happy with the eyeball doctor. So make sure you want him because you want him and not because he's with someone else.

Derek (to Lexie)

Are you going to tell Mark not to move in with Julia? She sews eyeballs for a living, I mean gross. Plus, she has naturally thin hair which could be a sign of early menopause.

Parents did not decide his treatment plan. Doctors did. Math did.

I'd mock you right now if my mouth wasn't so full.

Richard: What about you? You hitting the town?
Lexie: I'm not hitting much of anything these days.

I have no plans because my life is empty.

Lexie: Mark's in love.
Derek: The eye doctor? That should last 48 hours.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.