Sloane: Once he’s dead, I’ll feel a whole lot better.
Gibbs [softly]: I doubt that.
Sloane: What are you talking about?
Gibbs: My wife’s birthday was yesterday. Shannon. She and my daughter, Kelly, they were killed together. The man who did that, I hunted him down and I shot him in the head. And I really thought that would ease the ache in my heart. Nope. Not to this day. And you’re the only one I’ve told.

Gibbs: What’s your favorite drink?
Kasie: Rum and Coke!
Gibbs: At work!
Kasie: Oh, *not* Rum and Coke!

Brooks: You wanna chime in?
Gibbs: Nope. Still waitin’.
Brooks: For?
Gibbs: The reason you are down here!
Brooks: Just told you! Somebody wants me dead.
Gibbs: Who?!
Brooks: I don’t know! That’s why *you’re* here!
Gibbs: No, it’s *not*, Phil! It’s not! I am here for your *memorial*!
Brooks: What!? It’s only been a few days!
Gibbs [in disbelief]: SIX! It’s been SIX DAYS, Phil!

Alejandro Rivera: I was always raised to be polite to guests. My father taught me that as a child. Before he was murdered by a coward.
Gibbs: Just like Paloma!
Alejandro Rivera: Do not mention my sister’s name again.
Gibbs: Gladly.

  • Permalink: Gladly.
  • Added:

Jimmy [about Gibbs]: Camera adds ten pounds to his temper…
Gibbs [behind him]: Wanna make it twenty?

Oh, you have a *plan*, Gibbs, don’t you? I see it all over you!


Bishop: I thought you said you were gonna--
Gibbs: Lie to Abby? [chuckles]
Bishop: Ha, no! But by ‘no’ I mean ‘yeah.’

Gibbs [translating]: She wants to know why his [Torres] shirt’s so tight.
Bishop: Don’t we all!

Burger coma.

Gibbs [describing the sleeping Elena]

Gibbs: That was some nice shooting, Leon!
Vance: It was our house. Had to defend it.
Gibbs: Is that my weapon?
Vance: [shrugs]

Kasie: It’s a long story. [beat] Too long. I was told not to waste your time.
Gibbs: Who told you that?
Kasie: Everybody. [Gibbs leaves the elevator.] The same ‘everybody’ that says you leave without saying goodbye!

Bishop: Where to begin?
Gibbs: Probably with the one labeled ‘Viking War Stick.’

NCIS Quotes

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

I do love a man in a bow tie.
