Simmons [about the Zephyr]: Fitz! Your design really withstood the test of time!
Deke: Oh, you designed this? Man, I can’t imagine what it must have been like to fly.
Fitz: Technically, I’m the engineer, not the pilot.
Deke: Oh. [beat] Well, that’s still cool, I guess.

Fitz: Okay, if you guys really are going to fight a bunch of alien warriors, then you might be interested to know that in past I hid a crate of SHIELD tech in a wall on the base.
Mack: That's what I'm talking about. Thanks, Turbo!
Yo-Yo: Where?
Fitz: Level Three.
Mack: Wait a minute!
Yo-Yo: You mean the level infested with aliens that suck your blood?!
Fitz: Why was I su-- [sighs heavily] I'm not getting enough credit here. I traveled through time and space to find you! I think we're moving past that bit a little bit too quickly!

Daisy: By the way, ‘fight to the death’? Really?
Fitz: Well, I had to make a splashy entrance.
Daisy: Well, you could’ve jumped in the Octagon yourself, then!
Fitz: No, it wouldn’t be fair. I do pushups now. Double digits.

Fitz: So Kasius has assembled the worst of the worst.
Enoch: Do not fear. *You* are far more reprehensible than any other creature in this room.
Fitz: Thanks for that, Enoch.
Enoch: You’re quite welcome. It was a rather fun pursuit, constructing your alias. No longer are you Leopold Fitz, but instead Boshtok, a vile Space Marauder of unlimited wealth.
Fitz: Was the brooch really necessary?
Enoch: Indeed! That medal signifies the number of enemy lives you’ve taken.

Enoch: *That* is Jemma Simmons. Would you like me to broker an introduction?
Fitz [in disbelief]: Why would I need you to introduce me to Jemma Simmons?
Enoch [whispers]: It’s Marauder protocol.

Fitz: Jemma, it’s me. Don’t turn around. Just play it cool. Oh, I’ve missed you so much. I spent six months locked up in an off-the-books military prison, not to mention 80 years frozen in space, all just hoping to find you. But here you are. You know, I realized something: the universe can’t stop us, because we have crossed galaxies, we have traveled through time, we survived the bottom of the Atlantic just so we could be together. And a love like that, that is stronger than *any* curse. You and I, we are *unstoppable* together. I don’t want to live another day without you. So, Jemma Simmons, will you marry me?

Fitz: I’m never leaving you again!
Simmons: Then marry me, Fitz!
Fitz: Absolutely!

Please tell me your escape plan involves an actual *escape*.

Fitz: Well, at least you gave me enough time to come up with a good escape plan. So, it’s a mechanism that can slowly assemble, but I’m gonna need you to smuggle it in piece by piece. So, if you can visit three times a week for a month, then I should have everything I need-- what’re you doing?
Hunter [staring at his watch]: I’m gonna need you to move two meters to your left. Mm-hm. And come forward. [He presses a button, and the wall explodes.]
Fitz: What… the bloody *hell*?!
Hunter: Your coded message didn’t have an escape plan, so I had to come up with one of my own. Come on! Let’s go.

Fitz: They printed my letters in the last *six issues*. You ball-busting hooligan.
Hunter: And how many copies do you think are available in *Bangladesh*? None, as in *zero*. Soon as I heard you were missing, I got hold of some. What did you get off on calling Liverpool a bunch of wankers?!
Fitz: Well, if you never win anything--
Hunter: Well, at least we aren’t going to buy our way back to glory!

Simmons: I love you.
Fitz: And you mean nothing to me.

You say this woman loves me?

Fitz [to Radcliffe]

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Hill: Then New York was invaded by aliens, and they were beaten back by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40s, and a god.
Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god
Hill: You haven't been near his arms.

Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for Agent Ward?
Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: That someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD.