Joseph: Lee, there is something I want to talk to you about.
Lee: You know, it's funny you mention that because there's something I want to talk to you about, too.
Joseph: Oh?
Lee: Yeah. How would a partnership in Coulter Lumber sound to you? You and me, runnin' the show together.
Joseph: Lee, that's so generous. I, I don't know what to say.
Lee: Joseph, look. There's nobody that I would rather be partners with. [they shake hands and hug]

Lee: I thought you said it was going to be tea.
Lucas: There will be tea — after dinner.

You know, I have, um, I have felt a lot of things in my time with Rosemary. I really have. Love, um, joy, heartbreak, excitement, even a little confusion and impatience, but I have never, I have never felt this hopeless.


Elizabeth: Hi you two. You three.
Lee: Elizabeth, come meet your goddaughter.

Rosemary: We’d waited so long for this moment. We’d almost given up hope.
Lee: Yeah. She’s our little miracle.
Rosemary: Why does the world look so different all of a sudden?
Lee: Because it is.
Elizabeth: Because she’s in it.

Rosemary: See? I told you we could save money! Those cherries in the cherry cobbler aren't cherries at all.
Lee: Dare I ask?
Rosemary: They're prunes!
Lee: Prunes?
Rosemary: Soaked in beet juice. Half the price of cherries. Such a clever little recipe. I got a cookbook a the swap meet.
Lee: Prunes soaked in beet juice. Very resourceful, sweetheart.

When Calls the Heart Quotes

I have one of these at the office; I do not need one in my house.


Bill: From now on, you just mind your own business. Leave the law and order to me.
Nathan: Yeah, I can't do that.
Bill: Why's that?
Nathan: Because I'm your new Mountie, Nathan Grant.